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Education Resources: ED 481/ED597 Resources

A guide to the education resources at Heritage University

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The Teacher's Podcast

A podcast covering different aspects of teaching.

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Education Next

A podcast put out by Education Next a school reform journal.

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Finding and Evaluating Articles

Here are some tips on finding good, valuable research on educational topics.

Look for Education Databases for both deeper and wider results; general purpose databases like JSTOR or Academic Search Premier can only cover so much of a particular subject, while an education database will give a much more complete picture of the literature.

When looking at studies, pay attention to the methodology and participants. Not all studies are equally rigorous. Look at whether the researchers had a control group, at how many students or teachers participated in the study, and the data that was collected as well as how it was analyzed.

Unravelling controversy can be a challenge. There are many competing schools of thought in education, and it can sometimes take some digging to get an idea of what the debate surrounding a particular topic is. Bear in mind that in many scholarly debates, both sides often cite studies that support their argument. When navigating a topic of contention be especially wary of bias in the sources you look at.