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MCN 301 - GRE Preparation: Analytical Writing

Logical Fallacies

Slippery Slope: If A happens, Z will follow--
     “If we allow Chat GPT in classrooms students will not know how to think for


Hasty Generalization: Drawing a conclusion before having sufficient facts--
    “Bugs look gross, I am sure they are not a source of protein.”

Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc (aka correlation not causation):  'A' occurred after 'B' ergo 'B' must have caused 'A.'—
       “I had wet hair and went out into the snowstorm and now I have a  

Guilt by association: This conclusion is based on an argument that the origins of a person, idea, institute, or theory determine its character, nature, or worth-
“Juan works for Halibumpton Inc, the company responsible for the
      chemical leak in the West African Republic that killed hundreds.
      Juan is an evil person.”

Begging the Claim:
 The desired conclusion is validated within the statement--
      “Internal combustion engines poison the air and should be banned
       for the sake of the planet.”

Circular Argument: This main point is repeated rather than proven or demonstrated--
“Cats were worshiped in ancient Egypt.  Therefore we know
       domestic cats have been part of human life for thousands of years.”

Either/or (false dichotomy) The list of choices is reduced to one of two--
“The government should stop funding the arts as there are too
         many homeless.”

Ad hominem: This is an attack on the character of a person rather than the subject at hand--
      “I would never vote for him because he has shifty eyes.”

Ad populum/Bandwagon Appeal: using peer pressure or the perception of it to persuade someone--
More Americans drink Apalacha Cola than any other brand.”

Red Herring/Whataboutism: a diversionary tactic to throw the other side of track--
Candidate Juarez was late filing income taxes for at least 3 years.”  
     “So?  Candidate Smith had an affair with their campaign manager.”

Straw Man:
 Oversimplifies a complex point and attacks the weakened point—
We should get Juneteenth off as a holiday.”
     “You want to abolish the Fourth of July!”

Moral Equivalence: equates a minor event with major events to suggest both are equally wrong. (BTW, See Godwin’s Law*)--

“Wearing masks is like Jews having to wear the yellow Star of David in Nazi Germany.”

*the longer a political discussion continues the greater the likelihood of Hitler and/or Nazis being mentioned

“That is just like Hitler….”
Corollary: As soon as one mentions Hitler and/or Nazis one has ended the conversation

Analytical Writing--Help Sites


Educational Testing Service. (n.d.). Analytical writing—analyze an issue - ETS. Analytical Writing--Issue Topic Pool.

Educational Testing Service. (n.d.). Analytical writing—analyze an issue - ETS. Analytical Writing--Issue Topic Pool.



Kapelke-Dale, R. (2019, November 7). 12 tips to Ace GRE Writing. Magoosh Blog - GRE® Test.

Kaplan Test Prep. (2023, September 8). 7 Tips for a Perfect GRE Issue Essay. Kaplan Test Prep. 


Educational Testing Service. (n.d.). Analytical Writing Measure Scoring

Magoosh. (n.d.). Magoosh essay rubric for the GRE & GMAT. Magoosh Essay Rubric for the GRE & GMAT.

Quantitative Reasoning --Help Sites


Educational Testing Service. (n.d.). Overview of the Quantitative Reasoning Measure. ETS.

Educational Testing Service. (n.d.). Introduction to the quantitative reasoning measure - ETS. Introduction to the Quantitative Reasoning Measure.

Edvoy. (n.d.). Mastering the GRE quantitative section: A study plan for success.

Kaplan. (2016, October 19). Top 10 Math Tips for Better Scores on the GRE. Kaplan Test Prep.

McCammon, E. (2017, July 25). How to Ace Gre Quantitative: 22 expert Tips • Prepscholar Gre. Online GRE Prep Blog by PrepScholar.

Princeton Review. (2023, February 24). How to score a perfect 170 in GRE’s quant section. Manya.

Verbal Reasoning--Help Sites

Educational Testing Service. (n.d.-a). ETS Home. ETS.


Kaplan, Inc. (2023, September 8). What’s on the GRE: Verbal Section. Kaplan Test Prep.

 Princeton Review. (n.d.). GRE Verbal Practice: Questions & Explanations.