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Latinx Social Work

Lack of Services in Rural Social Work: Ethical Issues and the Impact on Parenting
“The unique set of challenges in rural social work adds new dimensions to social work practice needs. Issues of poverty, substance abuse, and mental health issues are often ignored in the rural setting. The conceptual framework used in this banded dissertation is the ecological model, which applies the concept of systems to apply when working with individuals, families, and communities.” (stated in the site)

Mental Health Services Issues for Hispanics/Latinos in Rural America
While significant progress has been made to respond to the mental health service needs of the Hispanic population in general, relatively little attention has been directed to identifying, understanding and addressing the mental health service problems, concerns and needs of Hispanics/Latinos residing in rural America.” (stated in the site)

Rural Hispanics At A Glance
Hispanic population growth has helped to stem decades of smalltown population decline in some States, demographically and economically revitalizing many rural communities. Hispanic population growth in new destinations outside traditional Hispanic settlement areas in the nonmetro Southwest can drive change in local economies and can raise questions about social service provision, socioeconomic adaptation and integration, and other important public policy issues for nonmetropolitan counties.” (stated in the site)

Working with Latinos in Rural Communities: “Nuts and Bolts”
Working with Latinos in our current sociopolitical climate poses many challenges for social workers working in rural areas. However, if social workers adhere to the guidelines and standards initially established by the profession and implement best practices many of their efforts will be successful.” (stated in the site)

Experiences of Hispanic Families with Social Services in the Racially Segregated Southeast
North Carolina—as a state in the racially segregated Southeast—offers a unique context to understand access to social services for Hispanic families and children. Theories of administrative burden posit that Hispanic families likely face high learning, compliance, and psychological costs. Hispanic families face challenges that compound these costs: limited English language and literacy proficiency, complex household composition, and citizenship status of family members and other household members.” (stated in the site)

Latino Households Face Challenges in Accessing Housing Assistance Programs

A new study published in Cityscape, “Understanding Low-Income Hispanic Housing Challenges and the Use of Housing and Homelessness Assistance,” finds that despite facing severe housing challenges, Latino households do not access housing resources and programs at rates relative to their poverty level. Latinos make up 18% of the U.S. population but as much as 27% of those living below the poverty line. They account for 19% of all households living in subsidized housing. This rate aligns with their share of the total population, but not with their income eligibility for HUD programs.” (stated in the site)

Latinos and Social Welfare
Social welfare is the minimum standard of living for a citizen in the United States. Latinos are the fastest-growing population in the U.S. and government safety nets, like social welfare, are in place so that in tough economic times, citizens do not fall into poverty. The Latino-American population receives higher rates of welfare benefits; however, there is a much larger underlying problem as to why a significant portion of this community needs such benefits.” (stated in the site)

New Interactive Data Tool Shows Characteristics of Those Who Receive Assistance From Government Programs
A new U.S. Census Bureau interactive data tool sheds light on the demographic and socioeconomic characteristics of the individuals and households that received a range of social safety net benefits from 2013 to 2019.” (stated in the site)

Safety-Net Programs Underused by Eligible Hispanic Families
Historically, Hispanic families have used means-tested assistance less than high-poverty peers, with anti-immigrant politics and policies potentially acting as a barrier.” (stated in the site)


Hispanic Public Policy Agenda 2020-2024--The National Hispanic Leadership Agenda (NHLA)
“NHLA is committed to being inclusive and seeks to fully reflect and promote the diversity of our communities throughout the NHLA policy agenda.” (stated in the site)

Latino Policy Forum
“Through advocacy and analysis, the Forum builds a foundation for equity, justice and economic prosperity for the Latino community” By catalyzing policy change, the Forum works to improve education outcomes, advocate for affordable housing, promote just immigration policies and strengthen community leadership.

Older Hispanic Americans--Health Policy Institute
“This Profile examines Hispanic and non-Hispanic adults ages 50 and older with any of five common chronic conditions including arthritis, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and hypertension or high blood pressure. Among the non-Hispanic population, differences between black and white adults are examined.” (stated in the site)

Social Justice and Health--American Public Health Association
“Social justice is the view that everyone deserves equal rights and opportunities — this includes the right to good health. Yet today, there are inequities in health that are avoidable, unnecessary, and unjust. These inequities are the result of policies and practices that create an unequal distribution of money, power, and resources among communities based on race, class, gender, place, and other factors.” (stated in the site)

State of the Digital Divide in the Hispanic Community
The digital divide is the gap between individuals who have access to computers, high-speed internet and the skills to use them, and those who do not. This gap shows up in a variety of ways in our communities: economic, educational, health and social outcomes can be traced to access to broadband. Although the digital divide is a problem for many Americans, it is particularly extreme for the Hispanic community.” (stated in the site)

UCLA Latino Policy & Politics Institute
“UCLA LPPI is committed to working with leading experts, advocates and elected officials to address today’s most pressing issues. We are committed to championing evidence-based policy solutions that expand genuine opportunity for all Americans by shining a spotlight on how Latinos are and are not included in policy-making.” (stated in the site)

Washington State Commission on Hispanic Affairs
“The Commission was created by a Governor’s Executive Order and established in statute in 1971. As mandated by the state legislature, the Commission’s functions are to improve public policy development and the delivery of government services to the Hispanic community.” (stated in the site)

Hispanic Attitudes on Aging
“Research from AARP shows that, although they feel like society can limit people’s ability to live as they choose, Spanish-dominant and bilingual Hispanic Americans are optimistic about aging. In fact, a majority of Hispanic adults age 35 to 55 surveyed have positive rather than negative feelings about turning 50.” (stated in the site)

Latinos’ Retirement Insecurity in the United States
“The National Institute on Retirement Security is a non-profit research and education organization established to contribute to informed policymaking by fostering a deep understanding of the value of retirement security to employees, employers, and the economy as a whole.” (stated in the site)

Responding to health and social needs of aging Latinos in new-growth communities: a qualitative study
“The development of new-growth communities of Latino immigrants in southern states has challenged the traditional health and social service infrastructure.” (stated in the site) An interprofessional team of service providers, Latino leaders, and university faculty partnered to establish linkages with the Latino community and providers serving aging adults and to explore the health and social needs of aging Latinos residing in a rural region.” (stated in the site)

Serving Hispanic and Latino Older Adults and Caregivers Creative Approaches for Social Engagement
In this webinar, engAGED: The National Resource Center for Engaging Older Adults focused on social engagement among Hispanic and Latino older adults and caregivers. During the webinar, MHP Salud shared cultural considerations when working with Hispanic and Latino older adults and caregivers and tips, strategies and lessons learned to help organizations create and implement social engagement opportunities.” (stated in the site)


2020 Profile Of Hispanic Americans Age 65 and Older
“Each year, ACL compiles The Profile of Older Americans, a summary of critical statistics related to the older population in the United States. Relying primarily on data offered by the U.S. Census Bureau, the Profile illustrates the shifting demographics of Americans age 65 and older. It includes key topic areas such as education, marital status, and income. This supplement to the Profile presents some of those same demographics as they pertain to the Hispanic American population age 65 and older.” (stated in the site)

AARP Public Policy Institute
The AARP Public Policy Institute (PPI) is the focal point of public policy research, analysis and development at AARP.....PPI develops creative policy solutions to address our common need for financial security, health care, and quality of life. 

AGing, Independence, and Disability (AGID) Program Data Portal
The Administration for Community Living was created around the fundamental principle that older adults and people of all ages with disabilities should be able to live where they choose, with the people they choose, and with the ability to participate fully in their communities.

Alzheimer’s Disease and Healthy Aging Program - Data and Statistics
CDC Data-Focused Publications and Resources

Older Americans 2020 Key Indicators of Well-Being
Provides a comprehensive, easy-to-understand picture of our older population.
Older Americans 2020 is the eighth report prepared by the Federal Interagency Forum on Aging-Related Statistics (Forum).

Health and Retirement Study
“The University of Michigan Health and Retirement Study (HRS) is a longitudinal panel study that surveys a representative sample of approximately 20,000 people in America, supported by the National Institute on Aging (NIA U01AG009740) and the Social Security Administration.

Aging Stats
A periodic Chartbook prepared by the Federal Interagency Forum (Forum) on Aging-Related Statistics, provides a comprehensive, easy-to-understand picture of our older population. Readers will find here an accessible compendium of indicators drawn from the most reliable official statistics. Indicators are categorized into six broad groups: Population, Economics, Health Status, Health Risks and Behaviors, Health Care, and Environment.

Alcohol and Drug Abuse Among the Hispanic Population
The rates of substance abuse among Hispanic Americans generally mirror those of the general U.S. population, although there are some slight differences.” (stated in the site)

Cultural Adaptation of Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment, (SBIRT) for Working with Hispanic and Latinx Communities
Session 1
Session 2
The Mission and Goal of The National Latino Behavioral Health Association is to influence national behavioral health policy, eliminate disparities in funding and access to services, and improve the quality of services and treatment outcomes for Latino populations.” (stated in the site)

Guide to Addiction and Recovery for Hispanic Americans
Age, trauma exposure, and acculturation may all contribute to addiction in Hispanics. Lack of insurance, fear of deportation, and language barriers can make it hard for them to get help. Finding bilingual recovery programs that involve family members can increase the likelihood that Hispanics will engage in treatment.” (stated in the site)

SAMHSA Hispanic and Latino Americans
In the United States, 18.9% of the population (62.9 million people) identified themselves as Hispanic or Latino in 2021. Thirteen states had a population of one million or more Hispanic residents— Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Texas, and Washington.” (stated in the site)

Substance Abuse/Addiction Among Hispanic-Latina/o Americans
About 3 million of those in need who did not receive treatment were Hispanic or Latino 2. Increasing access to addiction services for those of Latino descent may require specific accommodations such as bilingual treatment resources, family oriented treatment services, Hispanic-Latina/o cultural competence, and an awareness of barriers that may prevent Latina/os from seeking services, including a lack of permanent residency or an absence of benefits programs offered through their workplace.” (stated in the site)

What to Know About Substance Use and the Latinx Community
While some may believe that substance use disorders (SUDs) impact those living with the condition in similar ways, the truth is that due to racial and ethnic disparities, historically marginalized communities may experience SUDs and access to treatment quite differently.” (stated in the site)


Criminal Justice Reform League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC)
“The United States the highest incarceration rates of anywhere in the world. Within that system Latinos are approximately 30 percent of the nation's population but almost sixty percent of prisoners. This means that 1 in 6 male Latinos will be incarcerated at some point in their life.” (stated in the site)

Focusing on Latinos in the U.S. Criminal Justice System
“Three new policy briefs have major implications for Latinos in the justice system, including in American jails…. The briefs explore how to better track Latino involvement in criminal justice systems, the role of language accessibility in criminal justice systems, and the value of adopting a nuanced approach to immigration enforcement policies at the local level.” (stated in the site)

How Are Hispanic Individuals Represented in the Criminal Justice System?
“The reality is that research has found Hispanic immigrants commit fewer crimes than native-born Americans, and undocumented immigrants are substantially less likely to be arrested for serious crimes than U.S. citizens.” (stated in the site)

Law and Society: The Criminalization of Latinx in the United States
“As the country’s largest racial and ethnic group and the fastest-growing ethnic group being imprisoned, it is important to examine the ways in which the Latinx community has been impacted by the relationship between law and society in the U.S.” (stated in the site)

5 Ways to Resolve Latino Health Care Inequities
As a Latina, an immigrant, and a single mom who had to find her way in a new country, I stand side by side with my beloved Hispanic community that opened its heart to me and many others with candor and exuberance.” (stated in the site)

8 Mental Health Resources for the Latino Community
With the numerous mental healthcare disparities and inequities across the United States, Latino communities often struggle to find quality care. Fortunately, there are a number of organizations that offer care and support to those in the Latino community.” (stated in the site)

Department of Health and Human Services
HHS is a cabinet-level department of the U.S. federal government with the goal of protecting the health of all Americans and providing essential human services. Its motto is "Improving the health, safety, and well-being of America".” (stated in the site)

Health Information Translations
2,800+ free resources All carefully translated to promote health and wellness among populations who may not speak English as a primary language.  Includes Spanish language materials

Health and Health Care for Hispanic People
Despite gains in health coverage since the implementation of the Affordable Care Act, nonelderly Hispanic people continue to have some of the highest uninsured rates (20%) across racial/ethnic groups, although risk of being uninsured varies by their family heritage, with particularly high rates among those with roots in Central America.” (stated in the site)

Hispanic Americans’ experiences with health care
Hispanic Americans face a number of challenges when it comes to access to health care and medical treatments. Overall, Hispanic adults are less likely than other Americans to have health insurance and to receive preventative medical care.” (stated in the site)

Hispanic/Latino Health: Office of Minority Health
Summaries of detailed demographic and health data, including incidence prevalence, and mortality of diseases and related health conditions impacting Hispanic/Latino Americans.” (stated in the site)

Latinos often lack access to healthcare and have poor health outcomes. Here’s how we can change that.

The Latino community has been disproportionally affected by COVID-19, with almost three times as many cases per head among Latinos than among whites, and a hospitalization rate 4.6 times higher. But the specific challenges faced by Latinos in terms of health outcomes and healthcare access long predate the pandemic.” (stated in the site)

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Makes grants for a range of health issues, including access to care, childhood obesity, and training for doctors and nurses. Other topics of interest to the foundation include social and economic factors that can impact health, including quality of housing, violence, poverty, and access to fresh food.” (stated in the site)

Social Worker for Hispanic and Latino Families Embodies a Duty to Serve Others
“I check to see if the family is having problems, especially this past year,” Flor Giusti, a bilingual social worker at the Children’s Medical Practice at Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center.” (stated in the site)

Unfair and Unjust Practices and Conditions Harm Hispanic and Latino People and Drive Health Disparities
To help protect Hispanic/Latino people from tobacco marketing and discourage tobacco product use, states and communities could consider increasing prices and prohibiting price discounts, prohibiting the sale of flavored tobacco products, and either allowing fewer stores in a neighborhood to sell commercial tobacco products or prohibiting tobacco product sales altogether.” (stated in the site)

Why Community Health Workers’ Roles in Latinx Communities Are Essential
This first-person narrative examines life-changing effects that community health workers (CHWs) have on the well-being of marginalized community members and illuminates Chicago, Illinois’ HealthConnect One as an example of a new health care organization needed to promote equity.


Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality - Data & Analytics
“The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) is the lead Federal agency charged with improving the safety and quality of healthcare for all Americans. AHRQ develops the knowledge, tools, and data needed to improve the healthcare system and help consumers, healthcare professionals, and policymakers make informed health decisions.” (stated in the site)

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) - Data and Statistics
“CDC is the nation’s leading science-based, data-driven, service organization that protects the public’s health. For more than 70 years, we’ve put science into action to help children stay healthy so they can grow and learn; to help families, businesses, and communities fight disease and stay strong; and to protect the public’s health.” (stated in the site)

CDC FastStats
“Provides quick access to statistics on topics of public health importance and is organized alphabetically. Links are provided to publications that include the statistics presented, to sources of more data, and to related web pages.” (stated in the site)

CDC Mental Health
“Information on access to mental health and mental illness (MH/MI) surveillance data sources is provided on various MH/MI topics. Data sources include the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS), the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), and the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS). Relevant statistics are also presented.” (stated in the site)

CDC National Center for Health Statistics
“Collects data with surveys, from other agencies and U.S. states, from administrative sources, and from partnerships with private health partners. NCHS collects data from birth and death records, medical records, interview surveys, and through direct physical examinations and laboratory testing. These diverse sources give perspectives to help understand the U.S. population’s health, health outcomes, and influences on health.” (stated in the site)

CDC Reproductive Health
“Monitors maternal and infant mortality, the most serious reproductive health complications. In addition, attention is focused on gathering data to better understand the extent of maternal and infant morbidity, adverse behaviors during pregnancy, and long-term consequences of pregnancy.” (stated in the site)

County Health Rankings & Roadmaps
“The CHR&R program provides data, evidence, guidance, and examples to build awareness of the multiple factors that influence health and support leaders in growing community power to improve health equity. The Rankings are unique in their ability to measure the health of nearly every county in all 50 states, and are complemented by guidance, tools, and resources designed to accelerate community learning and action.” (stated in the site) 

Disability Statistics
“The Annual Disability Status Reports provide policy makers, disability advocates, reporters, and the public with a summary of the most recent demographic and economic statistics on the non-institutionalized population with disabilities. They contain information on the population size and disability prevalence for various demographic subpopulations, as well as statistics related to employment, earnings, and household income. Comparisons are made to people without disabilities and across disability types.” (stated in the site)

Washington State Department of Health--Health Statistics
“The Department collects high-quality information on all births, deaths, abortions, marriages, divorces, health factors, and hospitalizations that occur in Washington State.” (stated in the site)

KFF (aka Kaiser Family Foundation)
KFF is the independent source for health policy research, polling, and journalism. Our mission is to serve as a nonpartisan source of information for policymakers, the media, the health policy community, and the public.” (stated in the site)

Latino and Hispanic American Health
“Our mission is to present high-quality, relevant health and wellness information that is trusted, easy to understand, and free of advertising, in both English and Spanish. Anywhere, anytime, on any device—for free.” (stated in the site)

National Alliance for Hispanic Health
“The National Alliance for Hispanic Health is the premier science-based and community-driven organization that focuses on the best health for all. Community-based members provide services to more than 15 million Hispanics throughout the U.S. every year and national organization members provide services to more than 100 million people annually.” (stated in the site)

National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS)
“NCHS collects, analyzes, and disseminates timely, relevant, and accurate health data and statistics. Our products and services inform the public and guide program and policy decisions to improve our nation’s health.” (stated in the site)

National Institute of Mental Health - Statistics
“The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) is the lead federal agency for research on mental disorders. NIMH is one of the 27 Institutes and Centers that make up the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the largest biomedical research agency in the world. NIH is part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).” (stated in the site)

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) - Data
“SAMHSA's Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality (CBHSQ) is the lead Federal government agency for behavioral health data and research.” (stated in the site)

Welcome to FastStats! Health of Mexican American Population
“Use this index for quick and easy access to selected statistics on a variety of health topics, the latest data in reports, databases, and other resources, and additional data and tools.” (stated in the site)

Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation
“The Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE) is the principal advisor to the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services on policy development, and is responsible for major activities in policy coordination, legislation development, strategic planning, policy research, evaluation, and economic analysis.” (stated in the site)

Improving Opportunity, Support for Latinos with Disabilities
“According to a University of New Hampshire analysis, 9% of America’s Latinos live with a disability ranging from physical and cognitive impairments to mental health disorders. And while that’s a lower rate than other racial and ethnic groups, Latinos are more likely to be unemployed or to drop out of school due to their disability (stated in the site).

Social Determinants Affecting the Health of the Hispanic/Latinx Community with Disabilities
“The Hispanic/Latinx …community is the largest  nonmajority group in the United States and has consistently increased over the years.3 In 2019, more than 60 million H/L people lived in the United States from all kinds of backgrounds.3 There are many factors in a person’s life that can affect their physical and mental health. In 2018, about 57% of H/L young adults and 40% of H/L adults with serious mental health conditions did not receive treatment. To begin to understand and address this, it is important to consider individual and community level factors (stated in the site).

OSEP Fast Facts: Hispanic and/or Latino Children with Disabilities
“For the purposes of this fact sheet, a Hispanic and/or Latino
1 student with disabilities is a child or youth of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race and is eligible for special education and related services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), Part B(stated in the site).

Building Capacity to Strengthen the Well-Being of Immigrant Families and Their Children: A Prevention Strategy
This is intended as an overview of selected highlights of items that are critical to understanding children and family environments of Latino immigrant groups. Through research and field interviews, the following represents general themes for the Latino culture and family dynamics. It is not meant to be exhaustive or representative of every family or group. Each family and child is coming from a unique and particular experience and should be approached in this way.” (stated in the site)

Citizenship and immigration status among Latinos involved in the child welfare system: Characteristics, risk and maltreatment
The purpose of this study was to estimate the proportion of Latinos in the child welfare system and to identify how their household, community, and maltreatment characteristics differ from children of U.S. citizens.” (stated in the site)

Coalition for Hispanic Family Services
“Provides services to Latino children and families and other populations in communities where significant numbers of families live below the poverty level. CHFS's programs address family needs comprehensively and within a cultural context, with the goal of moving them towards self-reliance.” (stated in the site)

Hispanic Experience of the Child Welfare System
“This review has several implications for child welfare policy and practices. It underscores the need to implement strategies to ensure that Hispanic families' needs are met and that these families are treated fairly and equitably within the child welfare system. Training child welfare staff in cultural competence may improve decision making and service provision, thus improving Hispanic families' outcomes.” (stated in the site)

Latino Families and Child Welfare: Engaging and Formalizing Informal Supportive Cultural Practices
“Latinos are a substantial and growing population with special cultural and language considerations. Only culturally responsive child welfare practices-which include legislative advocacy, formalization of community resources, expansion of the pool of Latino foster homes, and education.” (stated in the site)

Latino Grandfamilies: Helping Children Thrive Through Connection to Culture and Family
This toolkit provides cultural context and concrete recommendations to fill a critical gap to help organizations and individuals across the country enhance their understanding and skills to help children and caregivers in grandfamilies thrive.” (stated in the site)

Latinos' Knowledge and Perceptions Towards Child Protective Services
“The purpose of this study was to better understand the Latino population as it relates to CPS, and create positive changes in the Latino communities CPS serves, with the hope to bring awareness and better service delivery.” (stated in the site)

Latinx Families’ Strengths and Resilience Contribute to Their Well-being
“Latinx families belong to one of the largest, most demographically diverse ethnic groups in the United States; partly as a result of this diversity, they have multiple strengths they can draw on to be resilient in the face of hardship and guard against the negative effects of adversity on their well-being.” (stated in the site)

National Latino Family Report 2023
A comprehensive study of the economic and social issues facing Latino families with children prenatal through five years old.” (stated in the site)

Powerful Role of Family in Hispanic Culture [Unlike U.S. Culture]
By watching movies, reading books, or meeting Latino people, it‘s easy to see that family is the core of Latin American society and a key source of support, guidance, and encouragement.  Read this article to discover how deeply family influences Hispanic culture.” (stated in the site)

Rewards and Burdens of Hispanic Family Caregiving
Hispanic culture is well known for its focus on family values, especially care for the elderly and young. Hispanic family culture typically perceives caregiving for elderly relatives as a duty and would be ashamed to be unable to care for them.” (stated in the site)


ChildStats   The Federal Interagency Forum on Child and Family Statistics
A collection of 23 Federal government agencies involved in research and activities related to children and families. The Forum was founded in 1994 and formally established in April 1997.” (stated in the site) 

Children's Bureau - Data & Research
Division of Performance Measurement and Improvement (DPMI)
DPMI houses the Data Analytics and Reporting Team (DART). DART is responsible for collecting, processing, analyzing, and disseminating program data including AFCARS, NYTD, Family First Prevention Data, and NCANDS.” (stated in the site)

Child and Family Services Reviews
The Children's Bureau conducts the CFSRs, which are periodic reviews of state child welfare systems, to...ensure conformity with federal child welfare requirements, determine what is actually happening to children and families as they are engaged in child welfare services, assist states in helping children and families achieve positive outcomes.” (stated in the site)

Data Resource Center for Child & Adolescent Health
Established in 2003, the mission of the Child and Adolescent Health Measurement Initiative’s Data Resource Center for Child and Adolescent Health (DRC) is to expedite and support effective use of data from the National Survey of Children’s Health (NSCH) to improve child, youth, family and community health and well-being in the US.” (stated in the site)

Federal Interagency Forum on Child and Family Statistics
The mission of the Forum is to foster coordination and collaboration and to enhance and improve consistency in the collection and reporting of Federal data on children and families. The Forum also aims to improve the reporting and dissemination of information on the status of children and families.” (stated in the site)

KIDS COUNT Data Center
We advance research and solutions to overcome the barriers to success, help communities demonstrate what works and influence decision makers to invest in strategies based on solid evidence.” (stated in the site)

Diversity Data Kids
Explore hundreds of measures of child wellbeing and policy analysis from a unique information source that documents diversity, opportunity, and equity among US children.” (stated in the site)

CASA Latina 
“Empowers Latino immigrants through educational and economic opportunities “(stated in the site) “(stated in the site).

Catholic Charities Serving Central Washington 
Rooted in a Catholic tradition that shapes its core mission of service to all, staff do not need to be Catholic to work for Catholic Charities “(stated in the site). We serve all in the community, regardless of their faith “(stated in the site). With office locations in Yakima, Wenatchee, Richland, Moses Lake, and Sunnyside, as well as our multi-family housing sites across Central Washington, we serve nearly 50,000 people annually “(stated in the site) “(stated in the site).a Latino cultural center (Centro de la Raza) to honor the diverse cultural assets of the Yakima community “(stated in the site) “(stated in the site).

Centro De Servicios Latinos
Centro De Servicios Latinos nacio en la ciudad de Yakima, WA en el año 1995 con la mision de servir a toda la comunidad latina “(stated in the site). Nuestra intencion es de ofrecer diferentes clases de servicios “(stated in the site) “(stated in the site).

“Offers intensive, interactive family support and educational services that help the Latino community achieve social empowerment “(stated in the site). We provide services for adult learners families and establish trusting relationships that help the Latino community “(stated in the site) “(stated in the site).

“The University of Washington and its leadership across our three campuses remain steadfastly committed to the educational success of DACA enrollees and undocumented students “(stated in the site) “(stated in the site).

A Chicana/Latina-led social justice organization focused on advocacy and leadership development to increase Chicana/Latina representation as key decision-makers across all sectors of community, working towards economic, educational, political and social equity “(stated in the site) “(stated in the site).


Works together to establish collaborative partnerships and networks. An active comunidad of Latino/a/x leaders emboldened by the power and wisdom of their culture, GreenLatinos are united to demand equity and dismantle racism; resourced to win their environmental, conservation, and climate justice battles; and driven to secure our political, economic, cultural, and environmental liberation.

Hispanic Academic Achievers Program 
“HAAP provides a springboard for Hispanic students their families to strive for a better life through education “(stated in the site). Scholarships are awarded to high school seniors from Benton Franklin Counties, a recognition event for 4th-12th grade w/ 3 “(stated in the site).0 or better “(stated in the site).

Hispanic Institute 
Anonprofit organization that provides an effective education forum for an informed and empowered Hispanic America.

Hispanic Roundtable 
“The Hispanic Roundtable serves as a support system for educational access and the social needs of Latinos “(stated in the site).

Hispanic Scholarship Fund 
“HSF is the nation’s leading organization supporting Hispanic higher education “(stated in the site). HSF’s vision: to strengthen the country by advancing college education among Hispanic Americans “(stated in the site).

La Casa Hogar

La Casa Hogar connects and educates Latina families, to transform lives and our Yakima Valley “(stated in the site).

Latino Civic Alliance
Our mission is to promote advocacy and civic engagement in Washington State by encouraging social responsibility and public service through collaboration with community partners “(stated in the site).

Latino Community Fund WA State
The Latino Community Fund cultivates new leaders, supports cultural and community based non-profit organizations, and improves the quality of life for all Washingtonians “(stated in the site).

Latino Victory Fund 
A progressive political action committee working to increase Latino representation at every level of government.

Take My Hand Is latinx’s non-profit arm to channel funding and create equity in our immigrant and undocumented community “(stated in the site).

League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC)

The Mission of the League of United Latin American Citizens is to advance the economic condition, educational attainment, political influence, housing, health and civil rights of the Hispanic population of the United States “(stated in the site).

Mi Familia Vota 
A national civic engagement organization that unites Hispanic, immigrant, and allied communities to promote social and economic justice through citizenship workshops, voter registration, and voter participation.

Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund 
“MALDEF promotes and protects the civil rights of Latinos in the areas of Education, Employment, Immigrant Rights, Political Access and administers scholarships for Law students.  MALDEF is the nations leading Latino civil rights organization “(stated in the site).

National Latina Institute for Reproductive Justice 
Envisions a society where Latinas/xs are free and empowered to make decisions about their bodies, sexuality, and families. The Latina Institute strives “for Latinas/xs to live with dignity about our sexualities and genders.”

Progreso: Latino Progress
Progreso's mission is to ensure that Latino communities are fairly represented in Washington State’s social, economic and political systems to improve the quality of life for all Washingtonians “(stated in the site).

Raíces Founded by Latinas, fueled by community action y cultura “(stated in the site). Here to serve + empower ALL of our gente.

Together in Community
Together in Community is a group of local organizations who would like to improve how public health information is shared with our Hispanic-Latino community, making sure we receive the same resources, advice, and facts as everyone else “(stated in the site).

Unidos US
than 62 million Latinos live and work in the United States, contributing $2 “(stated in the site).7 trillion to the economy “(stated in the site). You are part of the fabric of America, and you can help shape the future of our country “(stated in the site).

Voto Latino 
Shepherds the Latinx community toward full realization of its political power through building a strong bloc of Latinx voters.

Yakima Community Services Office
When you visit a DSHS Community Services Office, please bring the following documented information to help with your eligibility determination: your immigration status documentation, proof of Washington residency, information on your income, and Name of your voluntary resettlement agency (VOLAG) “(stated in the site).

Yakima Valley Farm Workers Clinic |
Compassionate care for the whole family at any age and any income level — it starts with one visit and you can be seen for all your needs, from pregnancy to dental care, within the same network of care; over 40 clinics across Washington and Oregon “(stated in the site).

8 Mental Health Resources for the Latino Community
"With the numerous mental healthcare disparities and inequities across the United States, Latino communities often struggle to find quality care. Fortunately, there are a number of organizations that offer care and support to those in the Latino community.

Agua Y Sangre Healing  
"Led by Michelle (she/they), offers nurturing and empowering care through herbal remedios, and community wellness “(stated in the site)

American Society of Hispanic Psychiatry  
" the research, education, advocacy, and support for those in the Hispanic community. Offers a “Find a Physician” feature on their website “(stated in the site).

Being Latinx  Mental Health and Self Care
This one-hour webinar session provides a cultural space to discuss the importance of mental health, promote effective self-care strategies, and highlight ODI's embedded therapist and the Office of Student Life Counseling and Consultation Service “(stated in the site).

Brown Badass Bonita  
A brand and movement set on empowering badass mujeres to give themselves wings through revolutionary self love “(stated in the site).

Brown Girl Therapy  
Offers a list through Instagram bio link of mental health care professionals of color who are currently accepting new clients for teletherapy right now as people struggle with the pandemic “(stated in the site).

Casa De La Familia  
Low-cost counseling, support services & awareness for victims of crime & trauma in Southern California “(stated in the site).

Immigration Psychology Services
"There has been a growing urgency to address the global migration problem impacting many nations including the U “(stated in the site).S.  The crisis resulting from the separation of children from their parents and families when attempting to seek refuge in the U.S. at the Texas border had catapulted the issue to the front pages of news outlets and has continued to spotlight immigration issues arising in many other venues “(stated in the site).

Inclusive Therapists  
"Aims to make the process of seeking therapy simpler and safer for all people, especially marginalized populations “(stated in the site).

La Espirista  
Aims to create an environment of holistic space for those in the QTPOC community interested in recovery from any form of addiction, abuse, or dependence “(stated in the site).

Latinx Grief  
"Supports grief in the Latinx community and holds space for all losses. Education and information only “(stated in the site).

Latinx Therapist Actions Network 
"We acknowledge that our Latinx community is beautifully diverse and rich with culture, language and identity, and we choose to celebrate and honor it. To be Latinx and love all of ourselves means to be pro-black, pro-woman, pro-queer, pro-trans, pro-working class, pro-differently-abled, pro-indigenous, and pro-immigrant. We commit to providing culturally-grounded care “(stated in the site).

Latinx Therapists Action Network  
"A network of Latinx mental health practitioners who support the self determination and dignity of migrant communities “(stated in the site).

Latinx Therapy  
"Demystifies mental health stigmas in the Latinx community. Offers matching services for those seeking therapists “(stated in the site).

Money Smart Latina- The Latina's Guide to Self Care
"I became a program coordinator in a Title One school. The day that my students learned that not everyone used food stamps changed everything for me “(stated in the site).

National Hispanic and Latino Addiction Technology Transfer Center (ATTC) Network
"The ATTC Network is an international, multidisciplinary resource for professionals in the addictions treatment and recovery services field “(stated in the site).

National Latinx Psychological Association  
"A national organization of mental health professionals, academics, researchers, and students whose objective is to generate and advance psychological knowledge and foster its effective application for the benefit of the Latinx population “(stated in the site).

Open Path Collective  
"Offers lower-free therapy across the country for those who need it “(stated in the site).

Project Heal  
Breaks down barriers to eating disorder healing for those who the system fails “(stated in the site).

The Aakoma Project  
"Helps diverse teenagers and their families achieve optimal mental health through dialogue, learning, and the understanding that everyone deserves care and support “(stated in the site).

The Minority Psych Report  
"Educates and destigmatizes minority communities on topics on mental health and homelessness “(stated in the site).

Therapy for Latinx 
"We believe that access to mental health is a human right. We dream of a future where therapy is normalized, more accessible and includes our various cultures. We will always stand behind movements that further these values. We are so proud of you for starting this journey, you will be an ancestor one day and just like trauma can be passed down so can resilience “(stated in the site).

Trauma Division for Refugees
"Refugee mental health resource network“(stated in the site).

Helping Hispanic Students Reach High Academic Standards
Part of a series of Idea Books developed and disseminated under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Education. The Idea Book series is designed to help schools and communities work together to strengthen education so that all students have the opportunity to achieve high academic standards.

Mental Health Technology Transfer Center (MHTTC) Network
National Hispanic and Latino MHTTC Navigation Educational Resources

Education -
The Census Bureau provides information on a variety of educational topics, from educational attainment and school enrollment to school costs and financing.

National Center for Education Statistics (NCES)
The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) is the primary statistical agency of the U.S. Department of Education. It is one of thirteen principal federal statistical agencies1 whose activities are predominantly focused on the collection, compilation, processing, or analysis of information for statistical purposes.

Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction Data Portal: Data for Public Use
The data portal is a repository for data from OSPI that is available for public use. Here you can find data about PreK-12 students, transportation, school facilities, school accountability, educators, district finances, and school directory and contact information. The data portal contains the most recently available data and most files are specific for each school year of data. Older data may be available upon request. 

Anxiety and Depression Association of America Inclusive Language Guide
The document draws directly from the bias-free language guidelines of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, Seventh Edition (APA, 2020b). The guidance offered is intended to be used in conjunction with, not in place of, those guidelines.

APA Inclusive Language Guidelines
This is the second edition of APA’s Inclusive Language Guide. By updating its 2021 edition, the American Psychological Association (APA) continues to work to dismantle the destructive hierarchies that have marginalized people from equitable representation and participation in society. 

CDC - Preferred Terms for Select Population Groups & Communities
Provides some preferred terms for select population groups; these terms attempt to represent an ongoing shift toward non-stigmatizing language. We recommend using this section as a guide and inspiration to reflect upon word choice and choose words carefully, inclusively, and appropriately for a specific use and audience. 

Linguistic Society of America (LSA) A Guidelines for Inclusive Language
These guidelines grew out of the Guidelines for Nonsexist Usage, originally developed by the LSA’s Committee on the Status of Women in Linguistics (COSWL), and formally approved by the Executive Committee in 1996. The focus of the guidelines has been revised and expanded since the inaugural edition to reflect a broader focus on inclusive language.

A Guide to Using Inclusive Language

Instead of… Try…..
Incarcerated person
Formerly incarcerated
Person detained by…
The Aged
Senior Citizens
Older adults person 65 years and older
The older population
Sex worker
Prostituted person
Trafficked person
Slave Person is/was enslaved
Homeless People
The Homeless
Persons experiencing homelessness
Undocumented immigrant
Foreign-born persons
The Poor
Low-Class People
Poor People
People whose incomes are below the federal poverty threshold
Use of racial groups as nouns (e.g. avoid "Asians etc.) The adjectival form (e.g. Asian individuals etc.)
Minority Replace with more specific language. Ex. Racial and ethnic minority groups
Birth Sex
Natal Sex
Born Female
Born Male
Assigned sex
Sex assigned at birth
Assigned male/female
Person who has experienced...
Person who has been impacted by…
Mentally Ill Person living with a mental health condition
Person with a mental illness 
Addict Person with a substance abuse disorder
Special Needs
Physically Challenged
 Mentally Retarded
Person with a disability
Disabled person 
Transgender people
Trans and gender nonbinary
Folks or folx


Sources: American Psychological Association, Inclusive Language Guidelines.  Anxiety & Depression Association of America, Inclusive Language Guide. CDC, Preferred Terms for Select Population Groups & Communities. American Medical Association, Manual of Style

NASW Our Commitment to Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
NASW is the largest social work organization and represents a diverse group of professional social workers and students around the country and globally. We strive to serve diverse communities large and small with integrity, competence, respect for human relationships, respect for the inherent dignity and worth of all people, and a commitment to promoting social justice. We can only meet these goals by caring about our best resources: our staff, members, and volunteers.

Council on Social Work Education The Center for Diversity and Social & Economic Justice (Diversity Center)
A center of the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE), established to advance the quality of social work education for a professional practice that promotes individual, family, and community well-being and social and economic justice. 

Anti-Racism and Diversity Resources HomeTraining DirectorsAnti-Racism and Diversity Resources
AADPRT is working on organizational race, equity, and inclusion inititives to become an active anti-racist and inclusive organization. These initiatives can be found in AADPRT's responses to the Race, Equity, and Inclusion Organizational Assessment conducted by Kenneth Hardy, PhD of the Eikenberg Institute.

Diversity Toolkit: A Guide to Discussing Identity, Power and Privilege
This toolkit is meant for anyone who feels there is a lack of productive discourse around issues of diversity and the role of identity in social relationships, both on a micro (individual) and macro (communal) level. Perhaps you are a teacher, youth group facilitator, student affairs personnel or manage a team that works with an underserved population. Training of this kind can provide historical context about the politics of identity and the dynamics of power and privilege or help build greater self-awareness. 

Hays PA. Addressing Cultural Complexities in Practice: Assessment, Diagnosis, and Therapy (2nd Ed.). 2nd ed. American Psychological Association; 2008. doi:10.1037/11650-000

How Social Workers Support Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Effective social workers learn to recognize individuals’ complex and intersecting identities, such as race, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, or disability, to understand how their experiences and defining influences affect how they perceive and respond to the world.

Remember the ADRESSING Model? Use It to More Deeply Understand the Moment We’re in
The model speaks to the societally ascribed social identities around which our respective realities are built. It is a tool for understanding privilege and marginalization, helping us understand our own lived experiences and ways we can be more intersectional in our work. 

Black Life Matters: Anti-racism resources for social workers and therapists
This post provides a roundup of free anti-racism webinars on-demand, as well as a few resources for people of color such as racial wound healing and therapy/funds dedicated to POC, and many recommended anti-racism books, articles, toolkits, YouTube videos, movies/TV shows, podcasts and self-care resources for all.

Centering Equity: A Toolkit for Centering Racial Equity Throughout Data Integration
The authors of this guide co-created strategies and identified best practices for administrative data reuse for government agencies, nonprofit organizations, and data collaboratives that center racial equity and give power to community voice. Moreover they seek to help agencies acknowledge and compensate for the harms and bias baked into data and data structures, into practice, and into cultural understandings and perceptions of populations served by government agencies. This tool will be helpful for social workers in any organization.

Council on Social Work Education: Center for Diversity & Social and Economic Justice
The Center for Diversity & Social and Economic Justice provides social work education with the opportunity and the means to support greater diversity and social and economic justice in education, teaching, research, curricula, institutional arrangements, and leadership development. The Center is also a resource to prepare social workers with the knowledge and skills to engage in effective practice with diverse populations and to help transform social systems in pursuit of more humane and equitable conditions.

NASW Racial Justice
NASW provides racial justice trainings as well as continuing education opportunities related to racial equity.

SWCAREs: Social Work Coalition for Anti-Racist Educators
SWCARE’s mission is to dismantle white supremacy in social work education. Learn more about their commitment to professional growth and evolution.

Social Workers: Allies for Justice
Those who lack privilege and power are not treated the same in our country, and this has devastating consequences for all of us.

The Urgency of Intersectionality by Kimberlé Crenshaw
Learn more about the relationship between race and gender bias with one of the pioneers in critical race theory.

28 Ways to Make the World Less Hostile to Mad, Neurodivergent, and Psychiatrically Disabled (MNPD) People
Dive into this resource to learn more about MNPD and best practices to support this community.

SSW Office of Global Activities Identities Abroad Resources
A resource designed to provide social work-specific guidance and help students think about how a global social work experience may impact their identities.

Latinx Faculty and Staff Research and Practice Group
An affinity group of self-identified Latinx faculty and staff at the University of Michigan School of Social Work who aim to provide a supportive space for discussing issues and challenges relative to Latinx identities in an academic environment as well as mentorship and support for faculty, staff, and students through scholarship, academic preparation, and networking students while at the University of Michigan and beyond.

​​​​​ Undoing Racism Through Social Work  & Undoing Racism Through Social Work Vol. 2.
Like most professions and institutions since 2020, the field of social work has been grappling with the consequences of our nation’s racist foundation. Continued violent tragedies and widespread public protests illuminated centuries of racial exploitation and trauma in the United States. Clearly, no discipline can escape scrutiny if we are to build a truly inclusive and equitable future together.


Searching OA Journal Articles:

  • Google Scholar 
  • oaDOI  If you have the DOI (Digital Object Identifier) of an article, oaDOI will search for an open-accession of the article.
  • OAIster (pronounced Oy-ster)is a union catalog of open open-access sources worldwide.
  • OAJSE is an e-journal search portal  

Open Access Social Work & Related Databases



Selective list of OA Social Work Journals

OER Social Work Textbooks

A primer on social work practice evaluation: 

Social Problems: Continuity and Change

Beyond Race: Cultural Influences on Human Social Life

Intercultural Communication

Wellbeing, freedom, and social justice Immigrant and Refugee Families: 

Child, Family, and Community

Interrogating Motherhood

Trauma Informed Behaviour Support 


Trauma-Informed Care in Behavioral Health Services

Making Sense of a Global Pandemic

Trauma and Resilience Among Displaced Populations: A Sociocultural Exploration

Treatment of Addictions, Individual and Group Alternative Training
Drugs, Health & Behavior
Foundations of Addiction Studies
Treatment of Addictions, Individual and Group

Supporting Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities & Mental Illness

Narrowed Lives: 

Social Work, Sociometry, and Psychodrama: 

The American LGBTQ Rights Movement: An Introduction

Opening Eyes onto Inclusion and Diversity

Foundations of Social Work Research

Graduate research methods in social work

Scientific Inquiry in Social Work

Social science research 

Doing Human Service Ethnography


A Quick Guide to Quantitative Research in the Social Sciences




 Practicing and Presenting Social Research




US Census Bureau
The Census Bureau's mission is to serve as the nation's leading provider of quality data about its people and economy.   Read more

US Census Bureau: Hispanic Origin
Hispanic origin can be viewed as the heritage, nationality, lineage, or country of birth of the person or the person’s parents or ancestors before arriving in the United States. People who identify as Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish may be any race.

Race and Ethnicity in the United States: 2010 Census and 2020 Census
The 2020 Census data underlying this visualization are available in the Redistricting Data Summary Files. We’re currently preparing easier-to-use tables for, scheduled for release in September. Changes since 2010 can be calculated using the 2010 Census data.

America Counts: Stories Behind the Numbers
We feature stories on various topics such as families, housing, employment, business, education, the economy, emergency management, and population.

Pew Research Center
"A nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes and trends shaping the world. We conduct public opinion polling, demographic research, content analysis and other data-driven social science research. We do not take policy positions.

Statista Hispanic population groups in the United States in 2022
As of 2022, around 37.41 million people of Mexican descent were living in the United States - the largest of any Hispanic group. Puerto Ricans, Salvadorans, Cubans, and Dominicans rounded out the top five Hispanic groups living in the U.S. in that year.

Hispanic or Latino Population in the US (Current ACS)
This map shows the percentage of Hispanic or Latino population throughout the US according to the most current American Community Survey (ACS). The pattern is shown by state, county, and tracts.

Washington Data & Research » Statewide data » Washington trends »  Population of Hispanic/Latino origin
The Forecasting division conducts research on a variety of issues related to the state budget, public policy, and demographics. The Population unit develops official state and local population estimates and projections for use in the allocation of certain state revenues, growth management, and other planning functions. Data and Statistics
The U.S. government's official portal for data and statistics in a number of different categories
The home of the U.S. government's open data. Here you will find data, tools, and resources to conduct research, develop web and mobile applications, design data visualizations, and more.

Office of Homeland Security Statistics  
The Office of Homeland Security Statistics' (OHSS) mission is to foster transparency and data-driven homeland security decision-making by analyzing and disseminating timely, objective DHS data and statistics.

Major Organizations

National Association of Social Workers
"NASW works to enhance the professional growth and development of its members, to create and maintain professional standards, and to advance sound social policies."

State of Washington chapter.

Academy of Certified Social Workers
The Academy of Certified Social Workers was established in 1960 by the National Association of Social Workers.

International Federation of Social Workers
the global body for the profession. The Federation and its national members strive for social justice, human rights and inclusive, sustainable social development through the promotion of social work best practice and engagement in international cooperation.


Education & Research
Council on Social Work Education
The CSWE, a non-profit national association founded in 1952, "is recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation as the sole accrediting agency for social work education in this country."

International Association of Schools of Social Work Association
“The worldwide association of schools of social work, other tertiary-level social work educational programs, and social work educators. 

Association of Baccalaureate Program Directors, Inc.
"The Association of Baccalaureate Social Work Program Directors, Inc. is an association of BSW Program Administrators, Faculty, Field Directors, and others dedicated to the promotion of excellence in baccalaureate social work education."

Association for Gerontology Education in Social Work
"provides leadership and assistance to social work educational programs and professionals ..."

Hispanic Scholarship Fund
As the nation’s largest nonprofit organization supporting Hispanic American higher education, Hispanic Scholarship Fund empowers Latino families with the knowledge and resources to successfully complete higher education. It also offers scholarships and support services to as many exceptional Hispanic American students as possible.

Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR)
“A free-standing organization dedicated to the advancement of social work research. SSWR works collaboratively with a number of other organizations that are committed to improving support for research among social workers.


Network for Social Work Management
“The Network is a leadership organization for social workers and human services professionals, working at all levels of management, across a broad and diverse range of organizations. We provide our members with a platform to communicate, collaborate and encourage one another to grow within their professional careers.

"National Network for Social Work Managers
“Dedicated to equipping people-centered leaders."

Society for Social Work Leadership in Health Care
SSWLHC's mission is "To be the primary professional organization that leads, promotes, develops, and supports social work values, practice, and leadership in health care."


American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy
The National Alliance for Hispanic Families 

Promoting strategies that strengthen Hispanic families. Our purpose is to harness public and private resources to promote comprehensive programs, relevant research, and targeted policies that build families where children and youth flourish while adults learn the skills to function effectively in today’s challenging environment. 


American Association for Psychoanalysis in Clinical Social Work

Clinical Social Work Association
“A national individual membership organization dedicated to providing essential services, products, professional support, and national identity for Clinical Social Workers.

Washington State Society for Clinical Social Work
“Dedicated to the unique needs of practicing clinical social workers and is the only organization of and for clinical social workers.

American Board of Examiners in Clinical Social Work
"The American Board of Examiners in Clinical Social Work (ABE) sets national practice standards, issues an advanced-practice credential, and publishes reference information about its board-certified clinicians."

Community Development
Hispanic Heritage Foundation
Nonprofit organization dedicated to identifying, incentivizing, preparing, and positioning Latino leaders in the classroom, community, and workforce to deliver on America’s priorities.

American Council of School Social Work
“Advocates for the practice of school social work and supports school social workers in their service to students, schools, and families to overcome social, systemic, economic and mental health barriers to student learning.

School Social Work Association of America
"The School Social Work Association of America is dedicated to promoting the professional development of School Social Workers in order to enhance the educational experience of students and their families."

American Public Health Association Social Work Section
“Advocates for the health and wellbeing of all populations (particularly vulnerable populations), educate communities about the role and importance of public health social workers, mentor public health social worker so that they can strengthen their service to the public, and share best practices with other professional groups.


National Association of Perinatal Social Workers
“ Agroup of social workers who help individuals, families, and communities respond to psychosocial issues that emerge during the period from pre-pregnancy through an infants first year of life

National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization
“NHPCO works to expand access to a proven person-centered model for healthcare—one that provides patients and their loved ones with comfort, peace, and dignity during life’s most intimate and vulnerable experiences.

Society for Social Work Leadership in Health Care
SSWLHC's mission is "To be the primary professional organization that leads, promotes, develops, and supports social work values, practice, and leadership in health care."

Association of Oncology Social Worker
"The Association of Oncology Social Work (AOSW) is a non-profit, international organization dedicated to the enhancement of psychosocial services to people with cancer and their families."

National Alliance for Hispanic Health
Leading science-based, community-led organization focused on improving health for all. Community members serve more than 15 million Hispanics in the United States each year, and members of national organizations serve more than 100 million people annually.

Community Organizing
Association for Community Organization and Social Administration
Formed in 1987, "ACOSA is a membership organization for community organizers, activists, nonprofit administrators, community builders, policy practitioners, students and educators."

Voto latino
Aimed at the empowerment of the Latino community in the US through civic engagement, advocacy and leadership development. Through innovative digital campaigns and pop culture, they provide culturally relevant programs that engage, educate and empower Latinos to be agents of change to build a stronger and more inclusive democracy.

Unidos US
They offer benefits to the Hispanic community through state and national research, policy analysis, and advocacy efforts, in communities across the country. Unidos US partners with a national network of nearly 300 affiliates across the country to serve millions of Latinos in the areas of civic engagement, civil rights and immigration, education, workforce and economics, health and housing.

Institute for Geriatric Social Work (Boston University)
"The Institute for Geriatric Social Work (IGSW) is dedicated to advancing social work practice with older adults and their families."

Geriatric Social Work Initiative
The GSWI "is collaborating with social work programs, organizations and other funders around the country to prepare needed, aging-savvy social workers and improve the care and well-being of older adults and their families."

Law & Regulation
Association of Social Work Boards
"ASWB develops and maintains the social work licensing examination used across the country, and is a central resource for information on the legal regulation of social work."

NALEO (National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials)
The nation’s leading nonprofit, nonpartisan organization facilitating the full participation of Latinos in the American political process, from citizenship to public service. Its mission is carried out through integrated strategies that include increasing the effectiveness of Latino policymakers, mobilizing the Latino community to participate in civic life, and promoting policies that foster Latino political engagement. They also provide national leadership on key issues affecting Latino participation in the US political process, including immigration and naturalization.

Current Awareness
Information for Practice
“To help social service professionals throughout the world conveniently maintain an awareness of news regarding the profession and emerging scholarship.

Criminal Justice
National Organization of Forensic Social Work
“Support the professional development of our members by constructing and maintaining forensic standards and best practices, producing quality materials for interdisciplinary forensic education and practice, and dvocating for court-involved children, youth, adults, and families

Local Organizations
Chicanos por la Causa
Founded in 1969 with the sole purpose of confronting the oppression faced by Latinos in Phoenix, Arizona, as part of the movement led by César Chávez. Today they are one of the largest Hispanic nonprofits in the country, promoting stronger, healthier communities throughout the Southwestern United States. Chicanos por la Causa’s vibrant community presence encompasses a wide range of bilingual and bicultural services in health and human services, housing, education, and economic development.

Hispanic Family Foundation
HFF advocates for all Hispanic and immigrant families in Nashville and the surrounding areas and is committed to programs that improve their quality of life.

Grassroots Leadership
“One day, we envision a safe and healthy city, state, and world where people have agency over their lives and are not interrupted by prison profiteering, mass incarceration, deportation, and criminalization.

Hispanic Institute
Organization focused on the study of Hispanic economic contributions, media monitoring, consumer fraud protection, citizenship education, and technology and telecommunications research.


Group Work
International Association for Social Work with Groups
“The premier international association for social workers and allied helping professionals engaged in group work. The purpose of this non-profit, member-driven organization is to promote excellence in group work practice, education, field instruction, research and publication.

Association for the Advancement of Social Work with Groups
AASWG is "a not-for-profit organization of group workers and friends who support its program of advocacy and action for practice, education, research and writing about social work with groups."

Latinx Membership Oriented
Latino Social Work Coalition & Scholarship Fund
“To increase the number of culturally and linguistically competent Latino and bilingual social workers serving low income and underserved communities. We support social work students and professionals in achieving their academic and professional goals

Latino Social Work Task Force (LSWTF)
“The Task Force has the key goal of heightening awareness of the shortage of Latino social workers needed to serve the Latino community and creating a collaborative effort to address this need.

Latino Victory
Progressive political action committee with the sole goal of increasing Latino political power through Latino representation at all levels of government. From school boards to the Senate and White House, Latino Victory identifies, recruits, and develops candidates for public office while building a permanent base of Latino donors to support them.


Latino Social Workers Organization
"The LSWO is an online organization for social workers to participate in sharing, learning, and networking."


National Association of Puerto Rican/Hispanic Social Workers
NAPRHSW's mission is: "To organize Social Workers and other Human Service professionals to strengthen, develop and improve the resources and services that meet the needs of Puerto Rican/Hispanic families."


Faith Oriented
North American Association of Christians in Social Work (NACSW)

"NACSW equips its members to integrate Christian faith and professional social work practice."

The Roundtable on Religion and Social Welfare Policy

The Roundtable on Religion and Social Policy at the Nelson A. Rockefeller Institute of Government in Albany, N.Y., is funded by the Pew Charitable Trusts to provide “a comprehensive, impartial body of research” on the role of faith-based groups in social welfare.

Rural Social Work Caucus

The Rural Social Work Caucus is an informal organization…established as a “loose” membership body at the First National Institute on Social Work in Rural Areas hosted by the 
University of Tennessee in 1976. The caucus has operated since that time basically as a “commons” with a set of voluntary leaders that work to keep a voice for social work practice with rural places active within the social work profession.

Social Justice
Social Welfare Action Alliance
"Founded in 1985, the Alliance is based on key principles that reflect a concern for social justice, peace and coalition building with progressive social movements."

United We Dream
This organization is dedicated to undocumented immigrants who live in constant fear for their integrity and that of their family in the US. United we dream works to combat this fear and empower young immigrants to develop their leadership, their organizational skills and their own campaigns at the local, state and federal levels in order to fight for justice and dignity for immigrants and all people.

Subject Headings in Eagle Search and Databases



The definitions reflect conventional usage rather than those supplied by the Library

This term is not an established subject heading but cross-references to the heading Mexican Americans.

Hispanic Americans
 living in the United States of Latin American descent.
Latin America
The area and/or countries, territories, municipalities, departments, of the Americas south of the United States as well as the Caribbean islands; regardless of European languages spoken or colonial heritage
Latin Americans
People from  Latin American countries.
Latin Americans–United States 
People from Latin American countries in the United States. 
These terms are not established subject headings but are cross-references to the headings Latin Americans and Hispanic Americans.
Latinx (Latin-x)
A gender-neutral term cross-references to the headings Latin Americans and Hispanic Americans.
A non-anglicized gender-neutral term.  Given its recency, it may not be cross-referenced.
Spanish Americans
People living in the United States who trace their heritage directly to Spain.


Professional Associations

Major Organizations

National Association of Social Workers

"NASW works to enhance the professional growth and development of its members, to create and maintain professional standards, and to advance sound social policies."

State of Washington chapter.


Academy of Certified Social Workers
The Academy of Certified Social Workers was established in 1960 by the National Association of Social Workers.

International Federation of Social Workers

the global body for the profession. The Federation and its national members strive for social justice, human rights and inclusive, sustainable social development through the promotion of social work best practice and engagement in international cooperation.

Education & Research
Council on Social Work Education

The CSWE, a non-profit national association founded in 1952, "is recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation as the sole accrediting agency for social work education in this country."

International Association of Schools of Social Work Association
“The worldwide association of schools of social work, other tertiary-level social work educational programs, and social work educators. 

Association of Baccalaureate Program Directors, Inc.

"The Association of Baccalaureate Social Work Program Directors, Inc. is an association of BSW Program Administrators, Faculty, Field Directors, and others dedicated to the promotion of excellence in baccalaureate social work education."

Association for Gerontology Education in Social Work
"provides leadership and assistance to social work educational programs and professionals ..."

Hispanic Scholarship Fund
As the nation’s largest nonprofit organization supporting Hispanic American higher education, Hispanic Scholarship Fund empowers Latino families with the knowledge and resources to successfully complete higher education. It also offers scholarships and support services to as many exceptional Hispanic American students as possible.


Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR)

“A free-standing organization dedicated to the advancement of social work research. SSWR works collaboratively with a number of other organizations that are committed to improving support for research among social workers.


Network for Social Work Management
“The Network is a leadership organization for social workers and human services professionals, working at all levels of management, across a broad and diverse range of organizations. We provide our members with a platform to communicate, collaborate and encourage one another to grow within their professional careers.

"National Network for Social Work Managers

“Dedicated to equipping people-centered leaders."

Network for Social Work Management

Society for Social Work Leadership in Health Care
SSWLHC's mission is "To be the primary professional organization that leads, promotes, develops, and supports social work values, practice, and leadership in health care."

American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy

American Association for Psychoanalysis in Clinical Social Work

Clinical Social Work Association
“A national individual membership organization dedicated to providing essential services, products, professional support, and national identity for Clinical Social Workers.

Washington State Society for Clinical Social Work
“Dedicated to the unique needs of practicing clinical social workers and is the only organization of and for clinical social workers.

American Board of Examiners in Clinical Social Work

"The American Board of Examiners in Clinical Social Work (ABE) sets national practice standards, issues an advanced-practice credential, and publishes reference information about its board-certified clinicians."

Social Work Exam Prep Review
This home study review covers the Bachelors, Masters, and Clinical licensing ASWB exams using multiple choice questions, case studies, and other interactive study materials. This is an extremely difficult exam that will require your dedication, commitment, and practice. The review material on can help you achieve your goal of passing the exam by providing the motivation and tools you will need. Our site is also appropriate to use to study for the California national clinical social work exam.

Community Development
Hispanic Heritage Foundation
Nonprofit organization dedicated to identifying, incentivizing, preparing, and positioning Latino leaders in the classroom, community, and workforce to deliver on America’s priorities.

American Council of School Social Work
“Advocates for the practice of school social work and supports school social workers in their service to students, schools, and families to overcome social, systemic, economic and mental health barriers to student learning.

School Social Work Association of America

"The School Social Work Association of America is dedicated to promoting the professional development of School Social Workers in order to enhance the educational experience of students and their families."

American Public Health Association Social Work Section

“Advocates for the health and wellbeing of all populations (particularly vulnerable populations), educate communities about the role and importance of public health social workers, mentor public health social worker so that they can strengthen their service to the public, and share best practices with other professional groups.

National Association of Perinatal Social Workers
 Agroup of social workers who help individuals, families, and communities respond to psychosocial issues that emerge during the period from pre-pregnancy through an infants first year of life

National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization
“NHPCO works to expand access to a proven person-centered model for healthcare—one that provides patients and their loved ones with comfort, peace, and dignity during life’s most intimate and vulnerable experiences.

Society for Social Work Leadership in Health Care

SSWLHC's mission is "To be the primary professional organization that leads, promotes, develops, and supports social work values, practice, and leadership in health care."

Association of Oncology Social Worker

"The Association of Oncology Social Work (AOSW) is a non-profit, international organization dedicated to the enhancement of psychosocial services to people with cancer and their families."

National Alliance for Hispanic Health
Leading science-based, community-led organization focused on improving health for all. Community members serve more than 15 million Hispanics in the United States each year, and members of national organizations serve more than 100 million people annually.

Community Organizing
Association for Community Organization and Social Administration

Formed in 1987, "ACOSA is a membership organization for community organizers, activists, nonprofit administrators, community builders, policy practitioners, students and educators."

Voto latino
Aimed at the empowerment of the Latino community in the US through civic engagement, advocacy and leadership development. Through innovative digital campaigns and pop culture, they provide culturally relevant programs that engage, educate and empower Latinos to be agents of change to build a stronger and more inclusive democracy.

Unidos US
They offer benefits to the Hispanic community through state and national research, policy analysis, and advocacy efforts, in communities across the country. Unidos US partners with a national network of nearly 300 affiliates across the country to serve millions of Latinos in the areas of civic engagement, civil rights and immigration, education, workforce and economics, health and housing.

Institute for Geriatric Social Work (Boston University)

"The Institute for Geriatric Social Work (IGSW) is dedicated to advancing social work practice with older adults and their families."

Geriatric Social Work Initiative
The GSWI "is collaborating with social work programs, organizations and other funders around the country to prepare needed, aging-savvy social workers and improve the care and well-being of older adults and their families."

Law & Regulation
Association of Social Work Boards

"ASWB develops and maintains the social work licensing examination used across the country, and is a central resource for information on the legal regulation of social work."

NALEO (National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials)
The nation’s leading nonprofit, nonpartisan organization facilitating the full participation of Latinos in the American political process, from citizenship to public service. Its mission is carried out through integrated strategies that include increasing the effectiveness of Latino policymakers, mobilizing the Latino community to participate in civic life, and promoting policies that foster Latino political engagement. They also provide national leadership on key issues affecting Latino participation in the US political process, including immigration and naturalization.

Current Awareness
Information for Practice
“To help social service professionals throughout the world conveniently maintain an awareness of news regarding the profession and emerging scholarship.

Criminal Justice
National Organization of Forensic Social Work
“Support the professional development of our members by constructing and maintaining forensic standards and best practices, producing quality materials for interdisciplinary forensic education and practice, and dvocating for court-involved children, youth, adults, and families

Local Organizations
Chicanos por la Causa Founded in 1969 with the sole purpose of confronting the oppression faced by Latinos in Phoenix, Arizona, as part of the movement led by César Chávez. Today they are one of the largest Hispanic nonprofits in the country, promoting stronger, healthier communities throughout the Southwestern United States. Chicanos por la Causa’s vibrant community presence encompasses a wide range of bilingual and bicultural services in health and human services, housing, education, and economic development.


Hispanic Family Foundation
HFF advocates for all Hispanic and immigrant families in Nashville and the surrounding areas and is committed to programs that improve their quality of life.

Grassroots Leadership
“One day, we envision a safe and healthy city, state, and world where people have agency over their lives and are not interrupted by prison profiteering, mass incarceration, deportation, and criminalization.


Hispanic Institute
Organization focused on the study of Hispanic economic contributions, media monitoring, consumer fraud protection, citizenship education, and technology and telecommunications research.


Group Work
International Association for Social Work with Groups
“The premier international association for social workers and allied helping professionals engaged in group work. The purpose of this non-profit, member-driven organization is to promote excellence in group work practice, education, field instruction, research and publication.

Association for the Advancement of Social Work with Groups

AASWG is "a not-for-profit organization of group workers and friends who support its program of advocacy and action for practice, education, research and writing about social work with groups."

Latinx Membership Oriented
Latino Social Work Coalition & Scholarship Fund
“To increase the number of culturally and linguistically competent Latino and bilingual social workers serving low income and underserved communities. We support social work students and professionals in achieving their academic and professional goals

Latino Social Work Task Force (LSWTF)

“The Task Force has the key goal of heightening awareness of the shortage of Latino social workers needed to serve the Latino community and creating a collaborative effort to address this need.

Latino Victory
Progressive political action committee with the sole goal of increasing Latino political power through Latino representation at all levels of government. From school boards to the Senate and White House, Latino Victory identifies, recruits, and develops candidates for public office while building a permanent base of Latino donors to support them.


Latino Social Workers Organization

"The LSWO is an online organization for social workers to participate in sharing, learning, and networking."

National Association of Puerto Rican/Hispanic Social Workers
NAPRHSW's mission is: "To organize Social Workers and other Human Service professionals to strengthen, develop and improve the resources and services that meet the needs of Puerto Rican/Hispanic families."

Faith Oriented
North American Association of Christians in Social Work (NACSW)

"NACSW equips its members to integrate Christian faith and professional social work practice."

The Roundtable on Religion and Social Welfare Policy

The Roundtable on Religion and Social Welfare Policy

The Roundtable on Religion and Social Policy at the Nelson A. Rockefeller Institute of Government in Albany, N.Y., is funded by the Pew Charitable Trusts to provide “a comprehensive, impartial body of research” on the role of faith-based groups in social welfare.

Rural Social Work Caucus

The Rural Social Work Caucus is an informal organization…established as a “loose” membership body at the First National Institute on Social Work in Rural Areas hosted by the

University of Tennessee in 1976. The caucus has operated since that time basically as a “commons” with a set of voluntary leaders that work to keep a voice for social work practice with rural places active within the social work profession.

Social Justice
Social Welfare Action Alliance
"Founded in 1985, the Alliance is based on key principles that reflect a concern for social justice, peace and coalition building with progressive social movements."

United We Dream
This organization is dedicated to undocumented immigrants who live in constant fear for their integrity and that of their family in the US. United we dream works to combat this fear and empower young immigrants to develop their leadership, their organizational skills and their own campaigns at the local, state and federal levels in order to fight for justice and dignity for immigrants and all people.

Search Library Resources

For those seeking subject-oriented or more specific databases, the following choices are recommended.




For those seeking subject-oriented or more specific databases the following choices are reccomended.

Social Work Databases Family; Life Stages Support; Healthcare, Physical, and Mental (including substance abuse)
SocINDEX with Full Text CINAHL Complete
Psychological and Behavioral Science Collection Family Health - Proquest
Aggregators  Gale Health and Medicine
Academic Search Premier Gale Health and Wellness
Bibliography of Native North Americans Gale OneFile: Health and Medicine
Gale Academic OneFile Gale OneFile: Nursing and Allied Health
Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) Gale OneFile: Psychology
MasterFILE Premier Health Reference Center Academic
Proquest Research Library Health Source: Nursing/Academic
Administration, Advocacy, Organizing, and Planning  MEDLINE
Gale OneFile: Military and Intelligence Nursing and Allied Health Science
Hein Online Academic PsycARTICLES
Legal Collection Psychological and Behavioral Science Collection
Military and Government Collection PubMed
Criminal Justice Public Welfare and Casework
Criminal Justice Journals - Proquest SocINDEX with Full Text
Gale OneFile: Criminal Justice School Social Work
  Education Journals - EBSCO
  Education Journals - Proquest

Resource Guides

Ethnicity & Race Related Resources
"NASW is committed to social justice for all and ending racism. Discrimination and prejudice directed against any group are damaging to the social, emotional, and economic well-being of the affected group and to society as a whole.  NASW has a strong DE&I program that fosters inclusion and belonging among all national and chapter staff and volunteer leadership."(Statement from this site) 
Latino Critical Perspective in Social Work
Elizabeth Kiehne, MSW, describes LatCrit and proposes ways in which it can be useful in the field of social work. Social workers are challenged to broaden their perspectives and cultural competencies when dealing with clients, particularly clients from cultures that differ from the social worker’s home culture.

National Hispanic and Latino MHTTC (Mental Health Technology Transfer Center)
"Provide high-quality training and technical assistance to improve the capacity of the workforce serving Hispanic and Latino communities in behavioral health prevention, treatment, and recovery. We disseminate and support the implementation of evidence-based and promising practices to enhance service delivery, promote the growth of a diverse, culturally competent workforce, and bridge access to quality behavioral health services. We are committed to increasing health equity and access to effective culturally and linguistically grounded approaches. "Statement from this site) 

Social Work Practice with Latinos: Key Issues for Social Workers
"The Latino population is the fastest growing group in the United States; thus, it is imperative that social workers and other mental health practitioners be knowledgeable about the current literature on how to effectively serve this population. This article elucidates key issues and knowledge, such as immigration and migration concerns; discusses how to assess for levels of acculturation; examines cultural values; and highlights salient work issues and health disparities that Latinos experience."(Statement from this site) 

National Research Center on Hispanic Children & Families Center
"A hub of research to help programs and policy better serve low-income Hispanic children and families. Our research focuses on poverty reduction and economic self-sufficiency; fatherhood, family structure, and family dynamics; and early care and education. A key part of our mission is to support and advance the research community by providing tools, resources, and support for emerging scholars. The Center is led by Child Trends, in partnership with Duke University, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, and University of Maryland, College Park. The Center is supported by the Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation within the Administration for Children and Families in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services."(Statement from this site) 

Resource Guides--Language

Child Welfare Terms: English to Spanish/Términos del Bienestar de Menores: Español a inglés
"Child Welfare Information Gateway developed this glossary to ensure consistency and cultural relevance in our publications. 

Dictionary of Health Related Terms: English - Spanish/Diccionario de Términos de Salud: Español - Inglés
"This English-Spanish Dictionary of Health Related Terms was developed as an instrument for health care personnel and other professionals working with the Latino population in the United States.

OSEP (Office of Special Education Programs) English to Spanish Translation Glossary
"An online glossary of common terms related to special education, in English to Spanish format.

Spanish Social Work Vocabulary Flash Cards
Over 50 online flashcards in Spanish with English translations of common social service terms.

Translated Terms and Definitions
Social services terms and definitions, with an English glossary and vocabulary lists in Spanish and other languages. From the California Department of Social Services.

Washington State Department of Social and Health Services.  Study Booklets Social Service Interpreters
Social Service-Spanish (PDF)

Resource Guides--Language, Tutorials

The inclusion of a site is not an endorsement, an indication of support, nor a comment on program quality,

Alison (47 Free courses)
"These free online Spanish language skills courses have everything you need to speak Spanish like a native. 

"Coursera partners with more than 275 leading universities and companies to bring flexible, affordable, job-relevant online learning to individuals and organizations worldwide.

Dreaming in Spanish (Over 900)
“An extensive collection of Spanish language 5 to 10 minute video playlists for all levels from Super Beginner to Advanced

“Learning with Duolingo is fun, and research shows that it works! With quick, bite-sized lessons, you’ll earn points and unlock new levels while gaining real-world communication skills.

“edX is the online learning platform from world-leading digital education company 2U, Inc.

“Headstart2 is a self-study introduction to your target foreign language. The course consists of two units containing ten modules each. Unit One (Sound and Script) teaches the basics of the target language in twenty interactive tasks. Unit Two (Military) consists of a total of fifty mission-specific tasks. 

Practical Spanish Online 
“This free online Spanish course is intended for students who are studying Spanish on their own or are taking a class and need another resource to supplement what they are learning. This course focuses on conversational Spanish and provides examples for each topic.

Learn Spanish: Basic Spanish Vocabulary
“¿Habla usted español? Spanish is the second most spoken language on earth, second only to Mandarin, and growing in use every day. This specialization is designed for the beginner who may have no experience with learning a second language but who wants to be able to read, write and speak Spanish for personal, travel or business use, or who just wants to learn a second language and build cultural awareness.

Spanish Lessons for Beginner Learners
In this beginner-level course on Spanish, you will learn pronunciations of Spanish letters, pronouns, Spanish spellings, days of the week, months, numbers, writing dates, greetings, verbs, adjectives, articles, telling time, Spanish contractions, Spanish vocabulary, conversations, pronouns, Spanish grammar, TH words, tenses, subjunctives, indicatives, accent marks, common phrases in Spanish, filler words, prefixes, gerunds, and much more!

University of Texas at Austin (166 Lessons)
"A complete index of video interviews and podcasts, as well as related grammar, vocabulary, and phrases contained in this site is listed below.  A topical grammar index and podcast help are also available.


Countries, Cultures. & Cross-Cultural Competency

Standards and Indicators for Cultural Competence in the Social Work Practice
This revision of the Standards and Indicators for Cultural Competence in the Social Work Practice (the Standards) reflects the growth in the understanding of cultural competence since the development of both the NASW Standards for Cultural Competence in Social Work Practice published in 2001 and the Indicators for the Achievement of the NASW Standards for Cultural Competence in Social Work Practice (NASW, 2007)

Enhancing Cultural Competence in Social Service Agencies: A Promising Approach to Serving Diverse Children and Families
Failure to properly address cultural differences creates and maintains mistrust and other potential conflicts between service providers and potential clients, further contributing to low quality of care and poor health outcomes.

Cultural Competence: 8 Incredible Ways to Be a Better Social Worker
Skillful and 
effective social workers respect and seek to understand the different cultures, backgrounds and experiences of their clients before they begin to seek or apply solutions. 

Border Walls: Cultural Competency and Considerations for the Hispanic/Latino Population
Culture has a profound impact on healthcare decision-making for Latino individuals and families. Yet Latino cultural beliefs are rarely understood or integrated in American healthcare settings.

Paso a Paso: Step by Step Toward Cultural Competence
Achieving cultural competence — the ability to communicate effectively across different linguistic and cultural traditions — is necessarily a gradual process. For clinicians, this requires close examination of health-related attitudes and beliefs — their clients’ and their own.

Developing Culturally Responsive Approaches to Serving Diverse Populations: A Resource Guide for Community-Based Organizations
Social service programs are finding that in order to keep pace with the demand, community-based organizations (CBOs) must deliver more culturally responsive services. Cultural competency is an important way that CBOs can become more responsive to the needs of the increasingly diverse populations they serve

Social Work Practice with Latinos: Key Issues for Social Workers
This article elucidates key issues and knowledge, such as immigration and migration concerns; discusses how to assess for levels of acculturation; examines cultural values; and highlights salient work issues and health disparities that Latinos experience.

Cultural Competence In Health And Human Services
Health and human service organizations are recognizing the need to enhance services for culturally and linguistically diverse populations. Providing culturally and linguistically appropriate healthcare services requires an understanding of cultural competence.

Aims to be a convenient source for social and cultural details relevant to clinical care. EthnoMed was developed through relationships between programs at Harborview Medical Center in Seattle and several of the larger ethnic communities we serve.

Improving Cultural Competence. A Treatment Improvement Protocol
Treatment Improvement Protocols (TIPs) are developed by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)….TIPs are best practice guidelines for the treatment of substance use disorders.

Culturally Competent Social Work Practice With Latino Clients
Social workers are products of society and will default to perspective and opinions learned during childhood. They contend that to the extent that services support the status quo, social workers participate in oppression and discrimination. Because social workers often work with people who have little power and influence, it is important to examine issues of unconscious oppression

Immigrant and Refugee Health
CDC’s Division of Global Migration Health (DGMH) works to promote and improve the health of immigrants, refugees, and migrants by preventing the importation of infectious diseases into the United States when these groups enter the United States or 
cross other international borders

BE SAFE A Cultural Competency Model for Latinos
The National Minority AIDS Education and Training Center (NMAETC) is a collaborative network of health experts funded by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) to provide capacity building to agencies and providers that treat minority patients afflicted with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS).

Acculturation and Depression Among Hispanics: The Moderating Effect of Intercultural Competence
Mental health professionals and clinical researchers have become keenly aware of the importance of understanding the process of cultural adaptation.

Latinos Need Therapists to Acknowledge Our Culture
Latino patients can get better mental health care if our beliefs, practices, identity, and cultural background are at the core of treatment.

Impact of Provider Cultural Competency on Latino/Hispanic Patients During End-of-Life and Hospice Care
The purpose of this literature review is to identify factors that affect Latino/Hispanic patient’s end-of-life and hospice care and how cultural competency of providers can influence management of their pain and quality of life.

Cultural Competence: An Important Skill Set for the 21st Century
Gaining cultural competence is a lifelong process of increasing self-awareness, developing social skills and behaviors around diversity, and gaining the ability to advocate for others. It goes beyond tolerance, which implies that one is simply willing to overlook differences. Instead, it includes recognizing and respecting diversity through our words and actions in all contexts.

Top-Rated Social Work Journals

There is no one definitive list of the most highly regarded Social Work journals.  Most lists use some sort of measure comparing the number of published articles with the number of times those articles are cited in other journals over a period of time.  Some lists may still rely upon rejection rate on the assumption that the better journals can afford to be highly selective in publishing only the highest quality articles.  Other lists are based on the perceived prestige of journal among professors and professionals As a trans-disciplinary field, Social Work relies on periodicals in a variety of other fields, notably sociology, and psychology, as well as the physical and mental health professions in addition to education, anthropology, management. and others.

As a result, there is disagreement as to which journals should be included in such lists.  Among the highest-ranked  journals in multiple lists are (in alphabetical order):

  • American Journal of Community Psychology
  • British Journal of Social Work
  • Child Abuse and Neglect
  • Child Maltreatment
  • Children and Youth Services Review
  • Clinical Social Work Journal
  • Health and Social Care in the Community
  • Journal of Marriage and Family
  • Social Work in Health Care
  • Trauma, Violence, and Abuse

The following free listings of Social Work journals are presented for consideration:

Observatory of International Research (OOIR) Social Work
"The TQCC is the top quartile citation count: if all publications of a journal are sorted by citation count in descending order, then the TQCC is the citation count of the publication residing at the end of the top quartile; for example, given 100 publications, the TQCC is the citation count of the 25th ranked paper. The data are based on CrossRef. The ranking can be re-used under a CC0-license.

The SCImago Journal & Country Rank  Social Work
A publicly available portal that includes the journals and country scientific indicators developed from the information contained in the Scopus® database (Elsevier B.V.). These indicators can be used to assess and analyze scientific domains. Journals can be compared or analyzed separately. Country rankings may also be compared or analyzed separately. Journals can be grouped by subject area (27 major thematic areas), subject category (309 specific subject categories) or by country.

OMNISci Online Social Work
As per available reports about 325 journals, 104 Conferences, 35 workshops are presently dedicated exclusively to Social Work and about 8546 articles are being published on the current trends in Social Work. 

Resurchify Social Work
While writing a research paper or an academic thesis in the field of Social Work or any other field, it is extremely important to cite or reference the research paper from a top ranked journal because it shows the credibility and reliability of your work. Also, most of the reviewers evaluate and judge the standard of your research paper and thesis based on the referenced academic sources.

Google Scholar Top Publications Social Work
Google Scholar Metrics provide an easy way for authors to quickly gauge the visibility and influence of recent articles in scholarly publications. Scholar Metrics summarize recent citations to many publications, to help authors as they consider where to publish their new research.

To get started, you can browse the top 100 publications in several languages, ordered by their five-year h-index and h-median metrics. To see which articles in a publication were cited the most and who cited them, click on its h-index number to view the articles as well as the citations underlying the metrics.

Reference Sources

 Encyclopedia of Social Work 
"Oxford University Press has partnered with the NASW on the Encyclopedia of Social Work, a continuously updated online collaboration building off the classic reference work.


Green Book
The Green Book published by the Committee on Ways and Means of the United States House of Representatives provides background material and data on the programs within the jurisdiction of the Committee on Ways and Means.


Oxford Bibliographies: Social Work
"With Oxford Bibliographies in Social Work, students and researchers will have a reliable and up-to-date place to start their research. Unlike traditional bibliographies and the online abstracting & indexing services, Oxford Bibliographies in Social Work provides a much-needed filter to the avalanche of scholarly information now available.
At, you get free access to over 300,000 reference entries from sources you can cite. Plus, more than 50,000 topic summaries feature related pictures, videos, topic summaries, and newspaper and magazine articles from around the world. takes great care in constantly updating our content with the latest from our partners.

Cultural Competence Handbook
An aid for journalists as well as social workers to "communicate with and about diverse collectives, recognizing the differences or variety in people’s identities or experiences –– ethnicity, race, national origin, language, gender, religion, ability, sexual orientation, socioeconomic class, immigration status, etc. 

Spanish Clinical Language and Resource Guide
"The...Guide has been created to enhance public access to information about mental health services and other human service resources available to Spanish-speaking residents of Hennepin County and the Twin Cities metro.



Tests & Measures

Buros Center for Testing 
Pruebas Incluidas en Pruebas Publicadas en Español III  includes descriptive information on more than 3,500 commercially available tests, and more than 2,800 of them have reviews available for purchase.

A Guide for Conducting Cultural Assessment of Hispanic and Latino Clients
This publication was prepared by the National Hispanic and Latino Addiction Technology Transfer Center (NHLATTC) under a cooperative
agreement from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s (SAMHSA) Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (CSAT).

Brief Acculturation Scale for Hispanics (BASH) 
The Brief Acculturation Scale for Hispanics (Norris et al., 1996) is a 4 item language based measure of acculturation for Hispanic populations derived from the Language Use subscale of the Short Acculturation Scale for Hispanics.

Streaming Video and Related Media

The Latinx in Social Work Discussion Series
In the 2022 spring semester, NYU Silver’s Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion hosted a transformative series of virtual events. 

Holding the Weight of Whiteness
January 27, 2022
Authors from the best-selling book Latinx in Social Work came together for a panel discussion....The authors reflected on their experiences as people of color within the academy and in the field of social work, the burdens they carried as students of color in predominantly White institutions, and how aspiring social workers of color can take back their narratives to assist and strengthen their communities.

Accountability to Black & Afro-Latinx Communities
February 24, 2022
Authors from the best-selling book Latinx in Social Work came together for a panel discussion.... Anti-Blackness is a global construct that is a result of colonial oppression and has had a deep and lasting impact on Latin America. In this panel discussion, the authors of the compilation book Latinx in Social Work explored intersectionality in their communities, the effects of anti-Black racism in their lives, and the role they play in changing the course for future generations.

Una Conversación con Las Madrinas
March 24, 2022
Authors from the best-selling book Latinx in Social Work came together for a panel discussion  about their experiences as underrepresented professional women of color in their field, life as immigrants or children of immigrants, and what drew them to social work.

Hemispheric Institute Digital Video Library (HIDVL)
"A free streaming video collection of theater and performance art productions throughout the Americas. Productions in this collection intersect with social and political life across the many cultures and political landscapes of the Americas."


Public Affairs Today - Latino Social Work
Public Affairs Today: Ana Leon, Ph.D. discusses the importance of understanding the different Latino cultures when dealing with social work.

American Psychiatric Association Videos
This collection contains approximately 140 English and Spanish videos on a variety of mental health topics

Immigrant and Refugee Mental Health Project
Social Work Career
 Webcasts are often recorded to allow you subsequent access at any time. Many of the hosting mental health organizations will also provide you with continuing education units (CEUs).

Washington Social Work Continuing Education
At Free State Social Work, we offer great online continuing education for social workers, counselors, and therapists.
All of our courses are $5.99 per credit hour.

The Department of Social and Health Services YouTube Channel
(DSHS) supports nearly 2 million Washingtonians in critical services to support healthy, safe, and empowered communities.
The site offers over 425 videos.

Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) 
SBIRT is an integrated, public health approach to the delivery of early intervention and treatment services for persons with substance use disorders and those at risk of developing these disorders. 

Psychological First Aid (PFA) Online
"Includes a 5-hour interactive course that puts the participant in the role of a provider in a post-disaster scene. Free. Login required

What is Narrative Practice?
This course is a gateway to free papers, videos, and extracts to enjoy at your own pace. Across 9 ‘lessons’ or ‘chapters’ we have brought together papers, videos, images, interviews, and questions.

Family Caregiver Alliance
"Webinars provide guidance, strategies and resources for those who provide care to an individual living with a chronic or disabling health condition. Whether you are a family, friend or professional caregiver, you’ll find tailored information on a variety of caregiving topics from daily care and care planning to self-care and specialized subjects. Includes some Spanish language material.

Child Welfare Information Gateway
Whether you’re a child welfare professional or service providers working directly with families, a relative caring for a child, or a parent working to bring your child home from foster care, we have free and trusted resources to assist you.  

Center for Advanced Studies in Child Welfare
The "online modules are self-directed learning opportunities for child welfare professionals, foster parents, advocates, and others interested in the topics. They were developed in order to present the child welfare practice-relevant findings of...the School of Social Work as well as partners across the University [of Minnesota].

National Resource Center on Domestic Violence
NRCDV provides a wide range of online trainings. All of our webinars are all recorded and made available for free through our YouTube channel. In addition, NRCDV Radio podcasts are converted into videos for those that wish to experience the broadcasts in a different format.

Six ACT Conversations
This audio e-learning program aims to provide RMIT University students with the emotional intelligence skills....The program uses concepts from Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, but is not meant to take the place of counselling, psychotherapy or a mental health service

The Power of Mindfulness as Practice
This seminar video is devoted to understanding and experiencing mindfulness meditation from the inside out, as a way of being and a way of seeing.
Online Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR)
"Here you will find a complete MBSR course, designed for people who are not able to take a live MBSR course for financial or logistical reasons. All of the materials used in the live courses I taught, including guided meditations, articles and videos, are freely available here."

Mental Health Studies - Suicide, Violent Behavior and Substance Abuse
This free online mental health studies course covers the important topics of suicide, violent behaviour and substance abuse. With self-harm and debilitating mental health problems increasing globally, mental health has become an increasingly important concern of healthcare systems.

National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, Division of Violence Prevention
Dive deeper into topics about violence prevention programs and practice, such as how to address risks shared by different forms of violence or how to effectively build partnerships. Each tool and training will equip you with a unique set of skills that can bolster your work to stop violence before it starts.

Center for Financial Social Work
Located in North Carolina, the Center for Financial Social Work has been creating original, interactive, and holistic Financial Behavioral Health™ programs for over 20 years.

Community Health Worker Training
The Community Health Worker Training Program (CHWTP) is designed to strengthen the skills and knowledge of community health workers with a focus on documentation, advocacy, healing justice, and social determinants of health (SDOH).



AFFIRM by Redefine Enough
The podcast for women of color who affirm their worth, value mental health, and seek wholeness

Las Doctoras
Dr. Christina Rose and Dr. Rene Limas are academics who are on a mission to talk about social issues that challenge our comunidad and other marginalized communities in order to help and dismantle oppression.

Doin' the Work: Frontline Stories of Social Change
We amplify folks doing anti-racist, anti-oppressive, liberatory work. Racial, social, economic justice. Community-based. Powerful thinkers and action-takers. Engagement in praxis. We aim to elevate and provide counter-narratives to the dominant system. Learn together to enhance our practice.

Latina Podcasters Network 
These Latina podcasters bring refreshing episodes using the power of their microphone …. They deliver topics on social justice, race, politics, immigration and so much more

The podcast series of the University at Buffalo School of Social Work. Including biweekly conversations and lectures from different members in the field from practitioners to lecturers. Each episode will offer a unique lens and insight into the themes and personal experiences of social workers.

Latinx In Social Work Podcast
A show hosted by Erica Sandoval "calling awareness to racism, bias, and discrimination felt by Latinx social workers. By sharing personal narratives from social workers within the LatinX community, our goal is to undo the injustice and guide others to note where they exist..

Latinx Therapy
Tune in with Adriana Alejandre, LMFT to the weekly podcast that discusses mental health topics related to Latinas, Latinos and Latinx individuals.

Melanated Social Work Podcast
Hosted by four men of color within the field of social work; Josh McNeil, Marvin Toliver, Michael Grinnell, and Jesse Wiltey. Join us as we discuss social work, mental health, politics, music, liberation and many other topics.

NASW Social Work Talks Podcast
This podcast informs, educates and inspires by exploring topics that social workers care about with experts and practitioners.

Social Work Bubble Podcast
Laura Swanson, LMSW is a therapist in New York City, and began The Social Work Bubble to create more conversations around social work!

Social Work Podcast
Created in 2007 by Dr. Jonathan Singer, an associated profession of Loyola University ...disseminates policy, research, social work education, and more throughout each episode. The National Association of Social Workers awarded the Social Work Podcast in 2012 the Media Award for Best Website. 

Social Work Stories Podcast
Social Work Stories is a Social Work Media podcast hosted by Dr Mim Fox and Lis Murphy reflecting and debriefing social work practice stories in monthly episodes

Social Workers Podcasts

This Latina Needs Therapy Too
A weekly podcast hosted by Long Beach born and raised Eli (EL-EE) Ortega and Jackie Velasco. Sharing experiences that shaped these LATINX hearts - blending cultura, humor, true crime and chisme.

Voices of Social Work
Join Anna Shull, LMSW for candid conversations with social workers!


Social Work Blog
The official blog of the National Association of Social Workers.

Community Care
Has up-to-date information on social work, law and policy. Also covers topics pertaining to adults, children, and mental health.

Do No Harm
Focuses upon issues within the social work field.

Alcoholism, Addiction, and Recovery - Support Resources, Quips & Quotes - Updated One Day at a Time!  Recovery blogs, websites, and info about substance abuse, health, spirituality, music, shops, diversions - Alcoholism and addictions can be fatal when untreated; if you or someone you know is still suffering, many find lasting recovery and want to help: for support resources.

Everyone Needs Therapy
The blog is a reflection of multi-disciplinary scholarship, academic degrees, and all kinds of letters after my name to make me feel big. The blog is NOT to treat or replace human to human legal, psychological or medical professional help. References to people, even to me, are entirely fictional.

Fried Social Worker Blog
A place for psychologically and emotionally exhausted social workers to vent.

Lyn Romeo  
Insights, updates and reflections from the Chief Social Worker for Adults and others working in the field. 

NCCPR Child Welfare Blog
Social workers working within the child welfare and foster care systems will find an abundance of information and support on this blog.

Social Work Tech Blog
I want all Social Workers to understand technology tools and utilize them so that we can be better organized and improve assessment, diagnosing, delivery of intervention, and promote personal and professional development.

Social Worker: That’s So Messed Up
A social worker offers a tell-all of some of her most disturbing cases in this blog. The names and locations have all been changed to protect the identities of the clients.

Social Worker's View
Hot button topics that spark debate such as gender and sexuality issues are all explored in this blog.

Social Work Helper 
an award-winning, mission-driven, and progressive news website. We are dedicated to providing news, information, resources, and entertainment related to social work, social justice, and social good.

Social Workers Speak  
A platform to influence how the entertainment industry and news media depicts the social work profession and issues 

Social Work Haven 
A motivational and educational blog on personal development and mental health.  

R.E.A.L Social Workers
An Online Magazine is as much about the uniqueness of individuals as it is about the commonalities that brought each of us to the profession of social work.