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Citation Help: AMA Format


This guide follows the 10th edition of the AMA Manual of Style. It is important to make sure that you follow these rules closely. Punctuation, italics, indents, and spacing are all very important.

Your instructor may give you specific instructions on format or style. Always make sure you follow your instructor's guidelines.

What Font Do I Use? and Other Questions

Font and Size

AMA suggests you use two fonts, a serif font for the body of your paper and a sans serif for your titles and subheadings. Your paper must be in 12 point font, double spaced.

The first line of every paragraph must be indented 5-7 spaces.


Use numerals (1, 2, 3) instead of writing out numbers (one, two, three), except for the following:

  • If a number begins a sentence
  • Common fractions (one-half)
  • If one number comes right before another in a sentence (If twelve 16-year olds have this reaction)
  • If a source you quote writes out a number, quote it exactly.
Time and Date

12 hour time is preferred, write AM or PM in capital letters. You may use 24 hour time (17:30 instead of 5:30 PM) if you need to be precise.

Use numerals for days and years, and write out the month (April 11, 2012). If listing dates in a table, you may use numerals for the month.

Title Page

AMA does not have rigid, do it this way or it's wrong rules for title pages. Some suggested guidelines:

  • Capitalize the first letter of each major word in your title and any subtitles.
  • Include your first and last name.
  • Include the name of your institution or organization

For a more detailed formatting guide, ask your instructor, or the publisher you are submitting a manuscript to.

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