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Book, one author

Footnote: 1. Alphonso Warraday, The Flying Tigers: The Tragic Story Behind Hitler's Most Desperate and Insane Strategy, (London: Sage Publications, 1985), 18.

Bibliography Warraday, Alphonso. The Flying Tigers: The Tragic Story Behind Hitler's Most Desperate and Insane Strategy. London: Sage Publications, 1985.

Book, multiple authors

Footnote: 2. Kenneth Izzard and Nevil Charrmander, Death To Mushrooms, (Ostwick: Westeros Books, 1993), 231.

Bibliography: Izzard, Kenneth and Charrmander, Nevil. Death To Mushrooms. Ostwick: Westeros Books, 1993.

Book, authors and editor

Footnote: 3. Warren Ashley, Louis XVI's Pet Turtles: The Awful Truth, ed. Richard Bong (Rochester: Batman Books, 2012), 77.

Bibliography: Ashley, Warren. Louis XVI's Pet Turtles: The Awful Truth, Edited by Richard Bong. Rochester: Batman Books, 2012.

Book, translated

Footnote: 4. Cixin, Liu, The Three Body Problem trans. Ken Liu (New York: Tor Books, 2014), 318.

Bibliography: Liu, Cixin. The Three Body Problem Translated by Ken Liu. New York: Tor Books, 2014.

Chapter or Article in an edited book

Footnote: 5. Moff Tarkin, "Reagan's Most Ambitious Project" in Essays on the Cold War, ed. Wilma Beru, (Chicago: Chicago University Press, 2003), 47.

Bibliography: Tarkin, Moff. "Reagan's Most Ambitious Project." In Essays on the Cold War, edited by Wilma Beru, 44-67. Chicago: Chicago University Press, 2003.

Journal Articles

Journal Article

Footnote: 6. Otis Bee Driftwood, "No Use Bringing the Civil War Into This," Journal of American History 41, no. 3 (2008): 617, accessed January 18 2015,

Bibliography: Driftwood, Otis Bee. "No Use Bringing the Civil War Into This," Journal of American History 41, no. 3 (2008): 607-620.

Magazines and Newspapers

Magazine Article

Footnote: 7. Guy Incognito, Eggo Waffles as Building Material, Slate, February 4, 2009,

Bibliography: Incognito, Guy. Eggo Waffles as Building Material. Slate, February 4, 2009.

Newspaper Article

Footnote: 8. Hubert Farnsworth, "Six Thousand Hulls," New York Times (New York, NY), January 14, 2007.

Bibliography: Farnsworth, Hubert. "Six Thousand Hulls." New York Times (New York, NY), January 14, 2007.



Footnote: 9. Douglas O Linder, "The Trials of the 'Scottboro Boys," University of Missouri-Kansas City: Famous American Trials, last modified 1999.

Bibliography: Linder, Douglas O. "The Trials of the 'Scottboro Boys." University of Missouri-Kansas City: Famous American Trials. last modified 1999.

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