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Citation Help: MLA Format

First Things First

This guide follows the 7th edition of the MLA Manual of Style. It is important to make sure that you match the format carefully. Punctuation, italics,  indents, and spacing are all very important.

Your instructor may have specific instructions about format or style. Always follow your instructor's guidelines.

MLA In-Text Citations

MLA Works Cited

What Font Do I Use? and Other Questions

Font and Size

Any font will work as long as it is readable.

Your paper should be in 12 point font, double spaced. 

Paragraph Format

The first line of every paragraph should be indented half an inch.

Italics should be used only for the titles of other works and, if absolutely necessary, for emphasis. Be sparing about using italics for emphasis.

If you use endnotes, they should appear in a list separate from your works cited page.

Pagination and Subheadings

Place page numbers in the upper right hand corner of the page. Use numerals.

If you choose to divide your paper into sections with headings, it is recommended that you number them. For example:

  1. Early life
  2. San Francisco Years
  3. Emperor Norton
  4. Final Years

Title page? Abstract?

Unless your instructor specifically asks for either, you do not need a title page or abstract. You do, however, need to use the right format when adding your name to the first page.

The right format is

Your Name

Your Professor's Name

The Course Name

The Date

All of this should be double spaced and in the top left hand corner of the page.

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