Install Papercut first and have the student login with their HU credentials, then add the printers using the Run command by pressing the Windows Key + R, then paste the path (found on the HU printing page) into the blank box and run it.
If students run into any issues with installation, please have them email or stop by our office.
\\\R1802P (Harry Kent Classroom)
\\\R2360P (Arts & Sciences Classroom)
\\\R3626P (PA Classroom - Martha B. Yallup Health Sciences Building)
\\\R1701 (Violet Lumley Rau Center)
\\\RLIBP (Library Black & White Printer)
\\\RLIBP-Color (Library Color Printer)
\\\RASCP (ASC Printer)
\\\R2412P (Dining Commons Printer)
\\\R2401P (Student Space in Dining Commons Printer)
Check the box, “Remember my credentials”. Click on OK.
5. If the printer queue opens, click the 'X' to close it.
6. Repeat steps for each printer you wish to add
NOTE: Your computer must be connected to HU-WiFi to install the program and to print. For help connecting to HU-WiFi please click here.
Note: Your computer must be connected to HU-WiFi to install the program. For help connecting to HU-WiFi please click here
Click 'OK' on the warning
Navigate to your System Preferences
Click on the Security & Privacy icon
Under the ‘Allow apps downloaded from:’ section click ‘Open Anyway’.
Click ‘Open’
Click ‘Yes’
Click ‘OK’
Go to Security and Privacy in System preferences and click ‘Open Anyway’
Click ‘Open’.
Notice: The PaperCut client software must be running when you print to any of the HU Student printers.
Install Papercut first and have the student login with their HU credentials, then add the printers using the Run command by pressing the Windows Key + R, then paste the path (found on the HU printing page) into the blank box and run it.
If students run into any issues with installation, please have them email or stop by our office. :)
NOTE: Your computer must be connected to HU-WiFi to install the program and to print. For help connecting to HU-WiFi please click here.