Annenberg Learner--
“As part of its mission to advance excellent teaching in American schools, Annenberg Learner funds and distributes educational video programs – with coordinated online and print materials – for the professional development of K-12 teachers. Many programs are also intended for students in the classroom and viewers at home, with videos that exemplify excellent teaching. Annenberg Learner also partners with impactful organizations to provide other means of achieving this goal. As part of the Annenberg Foundation, Learner supports the Foundation’s mission to encourage the development of more effective ways to share ideas and knowledge.”—from the website
“CK-12 Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to increasing access to high quality educational materials for K-12 students all over the world. We offer free high-quality, standards-aligned, open content in the STEM subjects. By providing these free resources, CK-12 is working toward educational equity for all.”—from the website
Creative Commons
“CC Search is a tool that allows openly licensed and public domain works to be discovered and used by everyone. Creative Commons, the nonprofit behind CC Search, is the maker of the CC licenses, used over 1.4 billion times to help creators share knowledge and creativity online.”—from the website
Native American - YouTube Videos
"A far-reaching collection of Native American educational videos.”—from the website
TED ED: Native American
"A compilation of over one hundred Ted Talks on many aspects of Native American History, Culture, etc.”—from the website
University Videos
"An extensive collection of videos on many aspects and issues pertaining to Native Americans. Most are in-depth and have a runtime of at least 40 minutes.”—from the website
Native Languages of the Americas: Native American Cultures
This site says it has online language materials for more than 150 indigenous peoples in the Americas. Language is only one part of the multitude of sites found in the is extensive directory.
Cree: Language of the Plains / nēhiyawēwin: paskwāwi-pīkiskwēwin
Written by: Dr. Jean L. Okimāsis
Related Resources: Workbook, Audio Lab Sessions, Cree Audio Sessions User Guide
Provides a wide range of learning materials that is easily accessible to Cree language learners. Includes: Cree language audio labs, and a Cree language workbook.
Memrise - Native American Languages
Introductory lessons on basic vocabulary, grammar, syntax, semantics, etc. Individual progress is saved on these 45 instructional packages.
“The DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals) was launched in 2003 with 300 open access journals. Today, this independent database contains over 15 000 peer-reviewed open access journals covering all areas of science, technology, medicine, social sciences, arts and humanities. Open access journals from all countries and in all languages are welcome to apply for inclusion.”—from the website
“The aim of is to increase the visibility and ease of use of open access scientific journals, theses, posters and patents. All scientific subjects are covered and all content are freely available in PDF format. was developed by KnowMade SARL. KnowMade is a Technology Intelligence company specialized in the research and analysis of scientific and technical information. We provide customized watching services and on demand studies with high added value to businesses and research laboratories.”—from the website
The Georgia Knowledge Repository*
“The Georgia Knowledge Repository, an initiative of GALILEO, is a digital archive that includes the academic and intellectual works of Georgia’s colleges and universities. Its purpose is to highlight the scholarship of the participating institutions while also making it available to the citizens of Georgia and the scholarly community at large. Digital collections from the University of Georgia.”—from the website
PubMed Central
“Understanding nature's mute but elegant language of living cells is the quest of modern molecular biology. From an alphabet of only four letters representing the chemical subunits of DNA emerges a syntax of life processes whose most complex expression is man (sic).”—from the website
Class Central M*
“Class Central is a search engine and reviews site for free online courses popularly known as MOOCs or Massive Open Online Courses.”—from the website
Native Peoples of North America
"Native Peoples of North America is intended to be an introductory text about the Native peoples of North America (primarily the United States and Canada) presented from an anthropological perspective." --from the website
Knowing Home: Braiding Indigenous Science with Western Science, Book 1
Native Peoples of North America is intended to be an introductory text about the Native peoples of North America (primarily the United States and Canada) presented from an anthropological perspective.
Over 40 titles addressing indigenous studies around the world. The collection is scholarly and specialized.
Directory of Open Access Books
“DOAB is a community-driven discovery service that indexes and provides access to scholarly, peer-reviewed open access books and helps users to find trusted open access book publishers. All DOAB services are free of charge and all data is freely available.”—from the website
National Academies Press (NAP)
“The National Academies Press (NAP) publishes the reports of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. The NAP publishes more than 200 books a year on a wide range of topics in science, engineering, and medicine, providing authoritative, independently-researched information on important matters in science and health policy.”—from the website
Wikibooks M*
“Welcome to Wikibooks, the open-content textbooks collection that anyone can edit. 3,204 books with 89,061 pages..”—from the website
Public Domain Native American Literature (Amherst College)
"More than 100 public domain books by or about Native Americans found in Amherst College’s Younghee Kim-Wait and Pablo Eisenberg Native American Literature Collection."--from the website
Knowing Home: Braiding Indigenous Science with Western Science, Book 1 and Book 2
Edited by Gloria Snively and Wanosts'a7 Lorna Williams" Published by University of Victoria Press, 2019.
“Since Indigenous peoples have developed time-proven approaches to sustaining both community and environment, Elders and young people are concerned that this rich legacy of Indigenous Science with its wealth of environmental knowledge and the wisdom of previous generations could disappear if it is not respected, studied and understood by today's children and youth."--from the website
Project Gutenberg - Native American Bookshelf
Project Gutenberg provides access to more than 130 ebooks on Native Americans
Khan Academy*
“Khan Academy offers practice exercises, instructional videos, and a personalized learning dashboard that empower learners to study at their own pace in and outside of the classroom. We tackle math, science, computing, history, art history, economics, and more, including K-14 and test preparation (SAT, Praxis, LSAT) content. We focus on skill mastery to help learners establish strong foundations, so there's no limit to what they can learn next.”—from the website
Library of Congress
“The Library of Congress offers classroom materials and professional development to help teachers effectively use primary sources from the Library's vast digital collections in their teaching.”—from the website
Mason OER Metafinder (MOM) M*
“Real-time federated search for OER content.”—from the website
Contains over 150 instructional aids on Native Americans
MIT Open Courseware*
“Massachusetts Institute of Technology was one of the pioneers in open courseware. Its Open CourseWare (OCW) “makes the materials used in the teaching of MIT's subjects available on the Web.”—from the website
OER Commons*
A curated collection of over 50 items pertaining to North American indigenous people. The content is suitable for both lower division and upper division undergraduates.
The BCcampus Open Education OER
A study site includes one item of courseware as well as a textbook. Ferrari number of free materials included but they are not openly licensed. Even trigger would be suitable for an undergraduate student.
Native People in American Culture
Modules from the course of the same name offered at Iowa State University. Five major topics are addressed:
Native Knowledge 360°
A site maintained by the Smithsonian’s National Museum of the American Indian provides educational materials and teacher training engaging with Native American narratives, histories, and accurate information.
Georgia Knowledge Repository*
The Georgia Knowledge Repository (GKR) is a central metadata repository containing records from participating GALILEO institutions that can be freely searched by the citizens of Georgia and the scholarly community at large.
“Search millions of free academic articles, chapters and theses.”—from the website
“Preprints is a platform dedicated to making early versions of research outputs permanently available and citable. We post original research articles and comprehensive reviews, and papers can be updated by authors at any time. Content on Preprints is not peer-reviewed and can receive feedback from readers.”—from the website.
Research Gate
"ResearchGate allows you to network with the largest global community dedicated to science and research: we help you to expand your contacts, share knowledge and find potential research partners.”—from the website
American Indian Film Gallery
Includes roughly 450 non-fictional documentaries and vignettes of Native Peoples from the Arctic to Tierra del Fuego. Includes 21 films on the Yakama. Most of these focus on Yakama education
Digital Public Library of America
The DPLA collection includes over 25,000 images, and 5,000 text items as well moving pictures, physical objects and sound files.
Google Arts & Culture - Native Americans
Explore 33 collections of Native American art and artifacts, created by Google Cultural Institute.
Library of Congress - Indians of North America
The Indians of North America: Selected Resources collection include maps, music and sound recordings, photographs, teaching materials, and webcasts.
Class Central M*
“Class Central is a search engine and reviews site for free online courses popularly known as MOOCs or Massive Open Online Courses.”—from the websiteteaching of MIT's subjects available on the Web.”—from the website
Coursera M*
“Every course on Coursera is taught by top instructors from the world’s best universities and educational institutions. Courses include recorded video lectures, auto-graded and peer-reviewed assignments, and community discussion forums.”—from the website
edX *
“There are three commitments we've made to the world. We've been grounded by these since day one:
Khan Academy*
“Khan Academy offers practice exercises, instructional videos, and a personalized learning dashboard that empower learners to study at their own pace in and outside of the classroom. We tackle math, science, computing, history, art history, economics, and more, including K-14 and test preparation (SAT, Praxis, LSAT) content. We focus on skill mastery to help learners establish strong fou ndations, so there's no limit to what they can learn next.”—from the website
MIT Open Courseware*
“Massachusetts Institute of Technology was one of the pioneers in open courseware.
Ohio Open Ed Collaborative
Faculty teams representing Ohio's 2-year and 4-year colleges and universities, both public and private, put these guides together to present alternatives to commercial textbooks for Ohio students. Full course guides using OER materials are available for many of Ohio's high enrollment courses. They can be adopted in full or in part to meet the needs of course instructors. The courses have been divided into modules that meet the objectives of the Ohio Department of Higher Education's Transfer Assurance Guides (TAGs) and Ohio Transfer Module (OTM) guidelines.
“Welcome to OpenLearn - the home of free learning from The Open University. Are you looking for a new topic to explore, or want to dig deeper into something you've already discovered? Whether it’s a 60-second animated video or a 24-hour course you are after, you will find it on OpenLearn for free.”—from the website
Creative Commons
“CC Search is a tool that allows openly licensed and public domain works to be discovered and used by everyone. Creative Commons, the nonprofit behind CC Search, is the maker of the CC licenses, used over 1.4 billion times to help creators share knowledge and creativity online.”—from the website
TED Talks *“TED is a nonprofit devoted to spreading ideas, usually in the form of short, powerful talks (18 minutes or less). TED began in 1984 as a conference where Technology, Entertainment and Design converged, and today covers almost all topics — from science to business to global issues — in more than 100 languages.”—from the website
Wikimedia Commons (images, videos, and sounds)
“A media file repository making available public domain and freely-licensed educational media content (images, sound and video clips) to everyone, in their own language. Use the search to find content related to your interest.”—from the website
M--Meta= a service which includes resources compiled from other sites and a serves as a directory to them. |
*= a site of some note and merit which has found favor in the Library Dude’s eyes, for better or worse… |